Over omnious oxenwoods
Ottoman overruled on,
Overcoming otherworldly overlords
Of outstanding overpowered omnisciency,
On oath of our ongoingness
Oggy out of our overlords
Outsmarted omniscient otherworldly overlords
I was a busy archaeologist, who enjoyed interesting and fulfilling work,
And I was very intrigued, with the ancient sites where mystery lurked.
My painstaking work caused me to travel, ofttimes to far distant lands,
As golden day weds silken nighttime, with rich, colorful wedding bands.
Having been raised in a remote area, I was now living faster in the city,
Except for slow motion parks and fields, where blooms flourished pretty.
Daily life can appear so sweet, when once you have achieved a dream,
Mission Control, this is Flight Z924693744, do you read?
We're having some technical trouble. How should we proceed?
We have spotted a planet, that appears to be suitable to abort;
But, to return to earth, we will need an alternate transport.
The Capsule Communicator didn't answer at all, unfortunately;
So, the fate of this mission, was then in my own hands, surely.
The twilit world we were approaching, didn't seem at all bad;
The sunshine and singing birds, awoke me that fine day;
And warmth caressed my face, as the wrens began to play.
I stretched luxuriantly in my bed, while smiling broadly,
At the gaiety of beautiful summer, in all its fair glory!
Since I had no desire, to waste the splendid day in bed,
I arose with plans for an outing, now forming in my head.
It was finally the weekend, so I invited my friend along,
They had kept me imprisoned there for three full days,
In that sparse, solitary room, of scarce sunshine rays.
Having good food to eat, had never been a problem;
They brought hot meals, but the problem was boredom!
At least, they had the good grace to let me peruse,
A few of my books, they took for their own selfish use.
No television, no music, and no exercise outdoors;
Over omnious oxenwoods
Ottoman overruled on,
Overcoming otherworldly overlords
Of outstanding overpowered omnisciency,
On oath of our ongoingness
Oggy out of our overlords
Outsmarted omniscient otherworldly overlords
I was a busy archaeologist, who enjoyed interesting and fulfilling work,
And I was very intrigued, with the ancient sites where mystery lurked.
My painstaking work caused me to travel, ofttimes to far distant lands,
As golden day weds silken nighttime, with rich, colorful wedding bands.
Having been raised in a remote area, I was now living faster in the city,
Except for slow motion parks and fields, where blooms flourished pretty.
Daily life can appear so sweet, when once you have achieved a dream,
It was springtime in my nursery, an industrious time of the year,
For spring is the time to be planting, so luxurious flora appears.
As the sole owner of a nursery, there was quite a bit to oversee,
As the sun gazes out over the earth, all along its golden journey.
I had a great proficiency with plants, attained from experience,
As nature was born aware of colors, and has not forgotten since!
In fact I was never happier, than when in my nursery or garden,
The sunshine and singing birds, awoke me that fine day;
And warmth caressed my face, as the wrens began to play.
I stretched luxuriantly in my bed, while smiling broadly,
At the gaiety of beautiful summer, in all its fair glory!
Since I had no desire, to waste the splendid day in bed,
I arose with plans for an outing, now forming in my head.
It was finally the weekend, so I invited my friend along,
Mission Control, this is Flight Z924693744, do you read?
We're having some technical trouble. How should we proceed?
We have spotted a planet, that appears to be suitable to abort;
But, to return to earth, we will need an alternate transport.
The Capsule Communicator didn't answer at all, unfortunately;
So, the fate of this mission, was then in my own hands, surely.
The twilit world we were approaching, didn't seem at all bad;