Remember Me:
To the living, I am gone.
To the sorrowful, I will never return.
To the angry, I was cheated,
But to the happy, I am at peace,
And to the faithful, I have never left.
I cannot be seen, but I can be heard.
So as you stand upon a shore, gazing at a beautiful sea - remember me.
As you look in awe at a mighty forest and its grand majesty - remember me.
As you look upon a flower and admire its simplicity - remember me.
My quietness has a man in it, he is transparent
and he carries me quietly, like a gondola, through the streets.
He has several likenesses, like stars and years, like numerals.
My quietness has a number of naked selves,
so many pistols I have borrowed to protect myselves
from creatures who too readily recognize my weapons
and have murder in their heart!
though in winter
they are warm as roses, in the desert
May death come gently towards you,
Leaving you time to make your way
Through the cold embrace of fear
To the place of inner tranquility.
May death arrive only after a long life
To find you at home among your own
With every comfort and care you require.
May your leave-taking be gracious,
If I should die before the rest of you,
Break not a flower nor inscribe a stone.
Nor, when I'm gone, speak in a Sunday voice,
But be the usual selves that I have known.
Weep if you must,
Parting is hell.
But life goes on,
So........ sing as well.
I am standing upon the seashore.
A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze
and starts for the blue ocean.
She is an object of beauty and strength,
and I stand and watch until at last she hangs
like a speck of white cloud
just where the sea and sky come down to mingle with each other.
Then someone at my side says,
' There she goes! '
Andre Moore
A poem
Long time since
It’s been a long time brother since you went away
It’s been a long time sister since you went away
It’s been a long time mother since you went away
It’s been a long time father since you went away
But I know one day I’ll see you again
Something is pulling my leg.
I'm stranded in an ocean, and I've given up my tread.
The depth of the darkness submerges my head.
When I take my last breath, my mind lays to rest.
I kept swimming towards land, but got dragged by the currents.
I kept pursuing Your Word, but got distracted by his deterrents.
I have yet to find yesterday’s best, with hope that tomorrow will never event.
In the beginning it was either "take her or take me”,
But tonight, you'll find me begging to be freed.
The enemy delights on my temple, and when I feast on the world, he is the Host.
He cut off my nose in hopes that my anger would grow.
His hand clenches my liver and the other guides my tongue.
With every breath of his sweet air that I take, I deny the gift of life from my lungs.
And when I'm dead, will he be at the gates to represent me in the Lord's court in attempt to allegate?
With every step I take into the light, he fills my heels with lead.
But the Lord will make mine like Hinds' feet and rebuke the Devil's tread.
Neither one waiting at the bend
Nor stationed upon the hill
Was present to make offense
Or entertain some evil will.
A breeze came, another went -
Rattling the bursages
As a creeping serpent
Going into hiding does.
The final destination arrives all too soon.
We're all living our first life.
Some in desperation for a reputation,
Others in preparation for their salvation.
We are taken by the Force unknown,
And unknowledgeable of the force we give when we go.
Sunday 12 March 2023