Nature Poems

Popular Nature Poems
by George Gordon Byron




The Serfs are glad through Lara's wide domain,
And slavery half forgets her feudal chain;
He, their unhoped, but unforgotten lord —
The long self-exiled chieftain is restored:


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Night's Many Colors
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Mysterious blue
as midnight moonlight spills on
meandering dreams.
Once butterflies' ball is done
merlot bliss lies past the sun!

Red Mars reveries
join nights of mulberry rose
camouflaging green.
So many are not sleeping


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by Evelyn Judy Buehler

L-ilacs, pink roses, plum tulips, and red daisies.
I-t's essential to sniff them, before they are gone;
F-or the fun lives are enjoying orange sunshine!
E-ver since birth, green has been everywhere.

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by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Yesterday I was in the parched, red desert, where it pours only seldom,
Bearing joy for varicolored cacti blooms, a silvery shower, very welcome.
This morning I deluged the green, pathless forest, at the dawn of purple.
Tomorrow, wet footsteps will travel, down the tree-lined street of myrtle.
In wild days of ago, my fervor caused floods, as I danced in dewberries;
Then a soft, yellow sun spun rich gold, making cherries and cranberries!
While there is gladness everywhere I go, my sporadic errors humble me,
Like an errant wind which blows off course, tenacious, golden honeybee!

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The Trials of Tommy Tucker
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Tommy Tucker was a youth of slight build, seeming younger than twenty,
Which was Tommy's true age; like a lone, silver star, apart from the plenty.

Tommy was well known for his great singing voice, so silky and stunning,
That people paid to hear him croon; like honey throated bees, humming.

But, as it wasn't enough to pay his bills, Tommy retained his daytime job;
As lilies hold their place in lemony sun, in fields where beauty is mobbed.

Fortuitous fate frequently fetched friends, some blooming, fuchsia Fridays;


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Recent Nature Poems
One of a Kind
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Elsie Marley was a playful, middle child, with five sparkling siblings,
Living on emerald, Willow Brook Farm, underneath skies very citron.

Everyone in the family lent a hand, at skillfully managing their farm.
At twelve years old, Elsie joined in, like golden bees, flower charmed.

Every fleeting day was the same as the last, yet magically different;
Like when a rainbow touches jade grass, and blazing sun is imminent.

Fantastic friends made school days fun, in the flitting, youthful hours;


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by Michael Reid

The winds of spring they dance and sing
And frolic through the trees
And look silently in contemplation
Of the young man that they see

He walks through life in wonderment
Amazed at the unknown
The silent loudness of the beauty
That nature calls its home


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The bear
by Michael Reid

Solid, massive, hair of white
Stoically stands in dying light
Frigid ice drifts and cracks
He knows there is no going back

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The wolf
by Michael Reid

The wolf cries it's howl at the lonely moon
The branches and leaves dance and swoon
The wind joins in as it rushes by
The stars sparkle their love in the jet black sky
The wolf stands still in pride and grace
As the wind dips down to kiss his face
Nature's protector with hard sharp eyes
It howls again and i hear his cries

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The spider
by Michael Reid

Gossamer threads glow in the moonlit night
Structure and complexity its beauty in plain sight
It's silent caretaker watching feels wind blow through the tree
In this place of his own making tied but also free

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