Life Poems

Popular Life Poems
African Rain
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

It falls with grace.
Metallic bawls hail the strength of zinc roofs.
At the mercy of the thatch,
Drops drip from needle points of skeletal
Palm fronds.
Particles of rain descend on thresholds
Among dewed terrains.
The petrichor befriends the atmosphere,
Caressing limpid warmth with floating cold.
Lightning, a white dancing Anaconda, races with speed,


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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Buoyed up by the syntheses of the past,
idyllic murals of green hills open paths
to a healing truth.

What say the brown camels of Casablanca
to assassins nursing festered wounds of
new Karma?

Yesteryears recline on the shoulders of
a greying age, chanting songs to a


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by baby panda

i was eating breakfast
when the morning sun warmed my skin
it was then that i belatedly realised
my skin wasn't tanned anymore
it no longer glowed in the sunlight

the last after a long string of
things i have lost in the past two years
i suppose, after all it's been
a catastrophic two years


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by Ben Scott

Dark hair 
deep eyes. 
Like a well I fell into once...

The night sky clear
not a single cloud. 
The world lit 
just by the moonlight .

Lightning came.


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by Evelyn Judy Buehler

L-ilacs, pink roses, plum tulips, and red daisies.
I-t's essential to sniff them, before they are gone;
F-or the fun lives are enjoying orange sunshine!
E-ver since birth, green has been everywhere.

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Recent Life Poems
My life
by Michael Reid

One step then two and before you know
You're rushing headlong where you shouldn't go
The deeper you go the faster you sink
The less of you is going to think

I was fighting, I was down
I was darkness like I've never known
Crawling up a muddy slope
But sliding down bereft of hope


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Old age doesn’t exist for all
by Amy Michelle Mosier

Old age doesn’t exist for all
Because many claim its presence;
I submit that living goes on
Through many-hued firmaments.

A shade of love lives here
And over there, a victory, I deem –
Patience caught them in her lair
And surprise – she frolics in between


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by Michael Reid

The life were given
The life we need
The life were living
The life we lead
The choices the costs
The time we've lost
The times we've yet to see
The good the bad
The truly sad
Whatever will be will be


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My old life
by Michael Reid

I try to make it through the day
And don't let others lead me astray
But life is hard and life is tough
And there is too many people who make it rough
I try to keep on being strong
But maybe I am not
Maybe I am wrong
Maybe I can never climb
This mountain of a life of mine
I will keep on fighting


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by Michael Reid

When you have to walk through hell
Be sure to keep your step
Moving forward always forward
Even when your heart might tire
Keep your head up remember your goal
And walk right through the fire

When forests burn there is rebirth
And life can start anew
So keep your head up square your shoulders


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