Love Poems

Popular Love Poems
Sailing to My Grandfather
by Michael R. Burch

Sailing to My Grandfather
by Michael R. Burch

for George Edwin Hurt Sr.

This distance between us
—this vast sea
of remembrance—
is no hindrance,
no enemy.


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My Guardian Angel
by Robert William Service

When looking back I dimly see
The trails my feet have trod,
Some hand divine, it seems to me,
Has pulled the strings with God;
Some angel form has lifeward leaned
When hope for me was past;
Some love sublime has intervened
To save me at the last.

For look you! I was born a fool,


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by Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar

She is succor sweet
In the water of my life

She is pure water
As Love in my heart


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A Lie
by gabriella Blake

I never knew someone could lie quite like this
Fake the warmth, the passion, the smile, the words
Words you have now rendered meaningless for all those to whom you opened that big phony mouth.

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May the Moonlight
by Reynaldo Casison

Another Sunset,
Has Drifted,
Into Evening Caress,

And You are Beautiful,
As a Rose mural,

May the Moonlight,
Keep the Romance,
Of your Salsa Beauty,


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Recent Love Poems
Seven roses
by Michael Reid

One rose is for the day we met
When I first felt your love
One rose is there for our first kiss
Like a miracle from above
One is for the way you make me laugh
And another is for your smile
And one is for the way you came along
And made my life worthwhile
One is for the way you treat me
With such respect and honesty


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One look
by Michael Reid

One look into your loving eyes
And I was swept away
One glimpse into your loving heart
And I knew that I would stay

By your side for all your life
Through all that heads our way
Through the good times and the bad
Through the blue skies and the grey


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I love you
by Michael Reid

I love you so much it makes me whole
I love you so much, it fills my soul
I love you so much, I can walk on air
I love you so much, ill always be there
I love you so much, with all my heart
I love you so much, I have from the start
I love you so much, until the earth stands still
I love you so much and I always will

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by Michael Reid

You are the light that fills my eyes
You are the stars shining in my skies
You are the fire that warms my heart
You are my first thought at mornings start
You are the food that feeds my soul
You are my other half who makes me whole
I hope that you can truly see
Just how very much you mean to me
You make my heart beat
You make my lungs breathe


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A lovers dream
by Saleh Ben Saleh

I seek a spot,
in paradise.
Where love is hot,
just like a spice.
A place of dream,
where hearts are won,
without a scheme,
when words are done.

Where burning hearts,


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  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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  • Robert Herrick
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  • Dorothy Parker
    Dorothy Parker (40 poems about Love)
    22 August 1893 - 7 June 1967 / Long Branch / New Jersey
  • Robert Burns
    Robert Burns (35 poems about Love)
    1759-1796 / Ayrshire / Scotland
  • John Donne
    John Donne (32 poems about Love)
    24 January 1572 - 31 March 1631 / London, England
  • Edna St. Vincent Millay
    Edna St. Vincent Millay (32 poems about Love)
    22 February 1892 – 19 October 1950 / Rockland / Maine / United States
  • James Joyce
    James Joyce (31 poems about Love)
    2 February 1882 – 13 January 1941 / Dublin / Ireland
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