They say forgiveness is for those who were wronged
But so is choosing not to forgive
You don’t have to forgive those who hurt you
In order to move on from that time
It doesn’t matter how many times
they did or didn’t hit you
It doesn’t matter how many times
they did or didn’t scream at you
How careful is the craft of conscience?
Which wields the sword of sorry,
That strikes the heels of discord,
And visits the home of the elusive.
Healing the rifts of former days
Respect is now paid,
As healing is sought
And time is bought.
Now, a conscience at ease
Grudges now cease.
So very often you will see me fail,
and mostly I don't care.
For failing is just part of life,
its something all humans share.
I don't care if I'm not the best
at many of the things I do,
but every inch of my being is telling me
I must be the best mother, for you.
I don't know you, woman,
I see your wit and charm
a soul so brave and good
fighting for just and right.
Can't help but wonder, lady,
what story behind that image
careless whisper boldly say
you are none of my concern.
Find the one thing that boils the blood in you
and let it keep you warm in the coldness of nights,
Should the passion be love,
let it not be the kind of infantile love that you seek
to save you from victim-hood,
And let not your blood boil from a buffoon's competition,
or envy,
or a hypocrisy of your detriment,
They say forgiveness is for those who were wronged
But so is choosing not to forgive
You don’t have to forgive those who hurt you
In order to move on from that time
It doesn’t matter how many times
they did or didn’t hit you
It doesn’t matter how many times
they did or didn’t scream at you
Sometimes I wonder, what makes the heart so cruel,
When forgiveness blooms in the soil of a soul’s duel.
If I, broken and bent, can rise from the wreck,
Can bury the ghosts, and silence the wrecked,
Why can’t they let go, leave me in peace,
And allow me the breath of a soft release?
I don’t ask for riches, or a word of praise,
Not even a promise, not even a gaze.
Though they tore from me every spark, every light,
Let the river drift away my sorrow
For my soul cannot hold my sanity much longer
Like a dike crumbling away
The lost of my love is breaking it
But the river has the power to heal
So, let it baptise me with another love
And cure my headache
I think about,
the right and wrong.
And good and bad,
that comes along.
So on my guitar,
I play a song,
to ease the pain,
of morals gone.
For every tune,
I sit alone,
and meditate.
I think of kin,
I dare to hate.
I think of things,
that I have done.
I think of people,
we live among.
I think of deeds,