Forgiveness Poems

Popular Forgiveness Poems
The Queen of Hearts
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

The beloved Queen of Hearts was a merry queen, who'd ever loved to bake;
Like confetti midnight stars, sparkling; or the yellow, noon sun, wide awake.

She baked myriad varieties of cookies, and delicious pies of different kinds,
And also scrumptious cakes, so divine; like pure gold, tinted rainbows find.

The king had a cheerful disposition, too, but betimes could be quite stern;
Like the scarlet blossoms, which fail to thrive, before floriculture is learned.

Faithful friends became part of the many faceted court, like tinted bubbles,


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My Vulnerble Apology
by Christen Kuikoua

In the depths of my soul, I beg forgiveness,
For I know not the extent of the hurt I caused,
My apologies falter, mere whispers in the wind,
Yet, I bear them with sincerity, with a heart that bleeds.

I confess, I longed to be a reflection of strength,
A mirage of confidence masking my insecurities,
But in that pursuit, I lost sight of your tender heart,
And in doing so, I betrayed the essence of who I am.


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My Heart Prayer: Kneeling Before Redemption
by Christen Kuikoua

In the sacred silence of this moment,
I kneel before you, my Lord,
burdened by the weight of my transgressions.
My soul trembles, confessing
the sins that have stained the fabric of my being.
Oh, forgive me, Almighty,
for straying from the path of righteousness
and betraying the values you have bestowed upon me.

I have succumbed to the allure of fleeting pleasures,


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Back to Me
by Callie Hayes

It's crazy how
sadness is painful.
As I'm feeling it now,
It's more than just my soul.

Did I do this to myself?
Are you the cause?
Could it be something else?
Or nothing at all?


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Forgive Me
by Kate Wallace

So very often you will see me fail,
and mostly I don't care.
For failing is just part of life,
its something all humans share.

I don't care if I'm not the best
at many of the things I do,
but every inch of my being is telling me
I must be the best mother, for you.


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Recent Forgiveness Poems
The righteous side
by Saleh Ben Saleh

I sit alone,
and meditate.
I think of kin,
I dare to hate.
I think of things,
that I have done.
I think of people,
we live among.

I think of deeds,


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The Queen of Hearts
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

The beloved Queen of Hearts was a merry queen, who'd ever loved to bake;
Like confetti midnight stars, sparkling; or the yellow, noon sun, wide awake.

She baked myriad varieties of cookies, and delicious pies of different kinds,
And also scrumptious cakes, so divine; like pure gold, tinted rainbows find.

The king had a cheerful disposition, too, but betimes could be quite stern;
Like the scarlet blossoms, which fail to thrive, before floriculture is learned.

Faithful friends became part of the many faceted court, like tinted bubbles,


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"i'd love to be dead"
by anne anonymous

no blood dried wasn't drawn
no lover forgotten hasn't gone
no thing unsaid has left my head
from "i love you" to "i'd love to be dead"

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Late Autumn
by Jeff Bresee

It’s a feeling that has no words to describe,
when the late autumn leaves fade color.
Quietly waving a final goodbye
in the chill as morning mist hovers.

It’s something between a pure feeling of peace
and a loneliness down to the bone.
Perfect tranquility rests on the air,
but the sadness won’t leave you alone.


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My Vulnerble Apology
by Christen Kuikoua

In the depths of my soul, I beg forgiveness,
For I know not the extent of the hurt I caused,
My apologies falter, mere whispers in the wind,
Yet, I bear them with sincerity, with a heart that bleeds.

I confess, I longed to be a reflection of strength,
A mirage of confidence masking my insecurities,
But in that pursuit, I lost sight of your tender heart,
And in doing so, I betrayed the essence of who I am.


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Popular Poetry Topics
Popular Poets about Forgiveness From Members
  • Pilgrim Roy
    Pilgrim Roy (2 poems about Forgiveness)
    I am a pilgrim travelling the heavenly way walking through life with Jesus. He is my constant companion and friend
  • Derrick Nolan
    Derrick Nolan (1 poems about Forgiveness)
    June 14, 1999- Missouri
  • Zachary Liam
    Zachary Liam (1 poems about Forgiveness)
    May, 2001 - Florida, USA
  • Kate Wallace
    Kate Wallace (1 poems about Forgiveness)
  • Sonja D.
    Sonja D. (1 poems about Forgiveness)
  • Bolaji Boluwatife
    Bolaji Boluwatife (1 poems about Forgiveness)
    September 17,1997- Nigeria
  • anne anonymous
    anne anonymous (1 poems about Forgiveness)