Hate the people that don’t matter;
love the ones whose hearts can shatter.
Maim, torture, taunt and tease,
give them the pain they gave me.
I’m through with tears,
I’ve now turned numb.
Vengeance is all I seek, and with it I’ll have won.
Hard as rock, my heart now feels,
Love left as it arrived. Slowly.
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Expectectations gets us broken,
Enough of it gets us turned torn,
For their bet is on a higher clown.
Who stumbles to present the unknown,
He is, who bids to our only struggles,
Who defines the scopes of an only fight,
To win over that which we feel not right,
He is, who is solemn and strikes the light,
And defines sparkles in the presents we gift.
I'm seeking burning flames,
Prowling selfishly.
Nosing around for the fire,
Existed in me.
Lost myself in the wilderness,
Changed everything.
Your eyes focus elsewhere
Dreams no longer include me.
Attention and pity you think I need,
how many times has it been?
The cold dagger is still there
watching all that was unseen
hearing all the unspoken words
I call you, and you don't reply
I see you but you don't see me
I touch you but you don't react
I have become a memory, a ghost
Time stands dorment since you left
I can't moved forward
Nor do I want to
My desire is to be with you once more
But it's impossible to do so
Everybody is racing around
Trying to get ahead
Not realising my pain
I don't know how to explain my feelings
As the heartache grabs my chest
The feeling lingers
A paper cut between the fingers
We both know that it's over
But I think we're over thinkers
This ground that we're breaking
Sometimes feels like we're mistaking
This pain we feel, for love
But then it's love that we are making
We are one under the sheets
But then lay shattered in the streets
I have breakup at eight tonight
It's in my calendar. Look!
From eight to nine tonight: an appointment
With the title: "Breakup". That's what it says.
At eight tonight
Is when she will end it.
She didn't say as much but I already know
Why we're getting together earlier than usual
What we'll be doing and
When Letting people,
into your life,
you share your dreams,
and live your lives.
But if you’re brave,
to walk the mile,
you’ve reached success,
and passed the trial.
In a kingdom filled with tradition and pride
Two hearts silently collided
Prince Dean and Princess Delilah, forbidden love
A love that the world would never approve of
Prince Dean, with eyes so bright
Asked Princess Delilah one moonlit night
"Do you think I can give you happiness?"
Her response was filled with sadness