Youth Poems

Popular Youth Poems
by Rhys O’Donnell

I wanted to speak with you tonight
Your presence was inviting
I have trouble finding the right words
Could you ever look my way

A group gathers around you
I try to stay beside
They cling to your words like I
Rushing to understand you


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While skyline is dozing red in Sevilla
by Lampetti -

Somethin’ very good ‘s happen’

while Azure Cantilena

gingles on my mind – self-curving latitudes

of spritzful euphoria.

Chili in tiny bowls – and then chill out – The Sunset


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The girl I left behind
by Aishat Yahkub

The girl I left behind
A cherished memory, etched on my mind
The tides of time ripping us apart,
as I drift farther and farther away
Her, a static point on the beach of memories
And I, facing the future on the horizon
The sky our sole connection

With stars in her eyes
A lover of the sunrise


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Tracing Crumbs
by Aspen M


Bolts across spine, down arms

Shocks wrists

Tingles palms

Tickles upon my neck, shivers my thighs


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Youth and Age
by Arthur Guiterman

Bersi, the champion, famed in his day,
Agèd and bedridden, drowsily lay.
Halldor, the baby, the grandfather's pride,
Cooed in his cradle the pallet beside.
Recklessly rocking, the cradle fell o'er;
Halldor, the baby, was cast on the floor!
Strengthless to succor his torment and joy,
Bersi, the champion, sang to the boy:
'Lorn, by the fireside helpless we lie,
Grandchild and grandfather, Halldor and I.


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Recent Youth Poems
by Rhys O’Donnell

I wanted to speak with you tonight
Your presence was inviting
I have trouble finding the right words
Could you ever look my way

A group gathers around you
I try to stay beside
They cling to your words like I
Rushing to understand you


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by Aras Acolipeps

They brought me into
a broken world.
They told me to make
a better place.
But before I became
an adult,
they blamed me
for their broken world.
And they blamed me
for being broken.


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Today, I am
by Aras Acolipeps

Today, I am unable.
I’m incapable and unstable,
and if you thought I was ready,
well, give up already!

Today, I am small.
So I’m putting up a tall wall,
you’ll never get to me,
I won’t let you see.


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Tracing Crumbs
by Aspen M


Bolts across spine, down arms

Shocks wrists

Tingles palms

Tickles upon my neck, shivers my thighs


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Amalfi Coast
by bella harrison

I had dreams of a life
not long ago,
angels meet beyond our horizon,
in this heavenly nothing where everything glows; we knew,
we know.
Lucid, morose, palm trees,
no way home. Don't go,
let go, get low, won't stand too close
Unclean, more fiend, I am
your dose,


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