Space Poems

Popular Space Poems
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

that fine, pneumatic
piece of gem from space,
bulbous, bluish with
the hand of beauty
adorned with furry clouds,
yet in closer sense lies
senseless to internal

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My Little World
by Abhishek Bohare


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by Oliver Foreman

Upon the skies; past heaven - untold.
Beyond (of war) the planet of death.
A cosmic crystal began to mold.
Not Cyllene, Nor Titan, Europa's breath.

The surface, of the frozen, shall cool even you.
But beneath her crust roars a blazing paradise -
Fules fires within, past the cold winter hue.
Many species could rest, they're bound to melodize
Of great lives, they must live, and I'm sure they wonder too.


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One Small Step and One Giant Leap
by Randy Johnson

It has been half a century since the first moon landing.
It was a historical event that was absolutely outstanding.
The Apollo 11 landed on the moon's surface fifty years ago today.
Two astronauts walked on the moon which is over 238,000 miles away.
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were pioneers like Daniel Boone.
On July 20, 1969, Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon.
As Armstrong stepped on the moon's surface, he said "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind".
When those brave astronauts left the moon to come home, the American flag was something they left behind.
I wasn't alive in 1969 so the moon landing wasn't something that I was able to witness.
But I'm guessing that it was awesome for those who were alive, a wonderful experience.


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by Borrowedmind B

Your orbit is unreachable but constant.
I'm just drifting around without destination.
But you-
Your force of gravity holds so much power.
A collusion would be deadly.
You would crush me entirely,
until nothing is left of me,
except tiny pieces of dusty debris

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Recent Space Poems
In Search of Venus
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

There are no labyrinths in this zone above.
This even, the bifurcated, long, empty road
Reflects the orange,
Hung high, eluding us from the grey void.

The even star —
Behold the grey patterns of heaven,
Meek and naked.
The orange, in clover, fades in the
Celluloid of the hanging sea,


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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

that fine, pneumatic
piece of gem from space,
bulbous, bluish with
the hand of beauty
adorned with furry clouds,
yet in closer sense lies
senseless to internal

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by Oliver Foreman

Upon the skies; past heaven - untold.
Beyond (of war) the planet of death.
A cosmic crystal began to mold.
Not Cyllene, Nor Titan, Europa's breath.

The surface, of the frozen, shall cool even you.
But beneath her crust roars a blazing paradise -
Fules fires within, past the cold winter hue.
Many species could rest, they're bound to melodize
Of great lives, they must live, and I'm sure they wonder too.


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After Cummings Poems
by Michael R. Burch


These are poems that I have written "after" e. e. cummings. Many of these poem were written during my early "Cummings Period," which started around age 14-15 when I discovered his poems in an English textbook. I have a cummings-ish type of poem that I call a "ur" poem. I will explain that modus operandi when we get to the first "ur" poem.

In these poems things that seem impossibly large are capitalized, like the Sun and Time. The big Thoughts are capitalized but the mind that holds them without being able to control them, isn't. Pronouns become diminutives: I=i, You=u, We=wee, etc.

by michael r. burch, age 14


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My mind floats through space
by Karan Shah

My mind floats through space
Surrounded by its eternal darkness
My impulses like gamma rays
Penetrate the atmosphere of my subconscious
Relatively, I gravitate towards the good days
and sometimes memories that make me nauseous
But the only Constance
Is that time keeps my mind
Afloat past every single instance
At the speed of light


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