Lost love Poems

Popular Lost love Poems
by Lee-Ann Azzopardi

I woke up before the dawn to welcome the day
After a night ofr snow and howling wind
As the fear quaked inside me underneath the comforter
I rose to see nothing but the stars still twinkling
And when the sunrise, the anxiety slipped away
The cold touched my face and slapped me once more from sleep
And I needed another coffee to open my eyes
But I started to think about you
Though, I knew it would be over in a year's time
I loved you for real


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Sonnet 1: Lost Love In The Shadows
by Christen Kuikoua

In distant realms where love's elusive gleams,
I search for traces of what once was true.
A love untamed, lost in forgotten dreams,
A flame once bright, now dimmed and misconstrued.

The path to find this love, wrought with despair,
Obscured by veils of time and circumstance.
Yet in my heart, a flicker, ever aware,
A yearning to rekindle love's expanse.


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Ничего не осталось
by Nastasimir Franović

Ничего не осталось
Все смыл первый осенний дождь
Обещания и клятвы
Надежды и отречения
Нерожденные дети
Запах твоей кожи
Блеск твоих волос
Воспоминания о твоих глазах
Бессонные ночи


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for life
by zeynep yildirim

friends for life you said
yet you left me in a bed
full of hatred an doubt
and you are so proud
of the joy you feel without me
if only i could see
my own worth and value
if only i could continue
with my life seperate from yours
still i sit here behind locked doors


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Suicide Note
by Tshidiso Mojapelo

Why am I still giving my attention to you,
Don't know why I waste my time with you.
Tried to express myself but it seems like,
My efforts are meaningless 'cause like,
You ain't try to lift a finger to say
That you are listening somehow, not to say
It's mandatory for you to climb the hill but,
I wished you'd consider my feelings but,
Maybe I wasn't good enough for you to love.
I've been avoiding to show you that I care.


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Recent Lost love Poems
Suicide Note
by Tshidiso Mojapelo

Why am I still giving my attention to you,
Don't know why I waste my time with you.
Tried to express myself but it seems like,
My efforts are meaningless 'cause like,
You ain't try to lift a finger to say
That you are listening somehow, not to say
It's mandatory for you to climb the hill but,
I wished you'd consider my feelings but,
Maybe I wasn't good enough for you to love.
I've been avoiding to show you that I care.


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A Last Tribute -01
by Subhas Chandra Chakra

Once upon a time, dear
This day, every year
Made me bathe in tear-
As it came so near.

At a pretty little past
Although it'd be the last,
For things fade so fast
't was day of my heart.


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by Lee-Ann Azzopardi

I woke up before the dawn to welcome the day
After a night ofr snow and howling wind
As the fear quaked inside me underneath the comforter
I rose to see nothing but the stars still twinkling
And when the sunrise, the anxiety slipped away
The cold touched my face and slapped me once more from sleep
And I needed another coffee to open my eyes
But I started to think about you
Though, I knew it would be over in a year's time
I loved you for real


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Ничего не осталось
by Nastasimir Franović

Ничего не осталось
Все смыл первый осенний дождь
Обещания и клятвы
Надежды и отречения
Нерожденные дети
Запах твоей кожи
Блеск твоих волос
Воспоминания о твоих глазах
Бессонные ночи


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Sonnet 1: Lost Love In The Shadows
by Christen Kuikoua

In distant realms where love's elusive gleams,
I search for traces of what once was true.
A love untamed, lost in forgotten dreams,
A flame once bright, now dimmed and misconstrued.

The path to find this love, wrought with despair,
Obscured by veils of time and circumstance.
Yet in my heart, a flicker, ever aware,
A yearning to rekindle love's expanse.


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