Hurt Poems

Popular Hurt Poems
by Hailey Denton

We feel it in our bones,
we feel it in our muscles.
We act our way through it
so they won't see the struggle.

We put on a fake smile
and say that we're "O.K."
We lie and say that were fine
that we're just tired all day.


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by Snakes And ladders

I had a little crush
On a guy I thought was perfect
Never thought I’d make a first move
But then it just so happened
That I did
We met up when I saw him
We laughed we talked we got home
He kissed me softly
He held me in his arms
Next week he started texting


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Heart, Alone
by Clare-Anne Flower

Remember me? The heart you left to beat alone. The one you left no hand to hold My heart gone cold, my love grown old. My mind worn and my soul sold...

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Demon Girl
by Kendall Parker

I can lead a horse to water,
But I can't make it drink.
Keep believing the lies,
They'll catch up before you blink.

There is nothing remotely Angelic,
About that manipulative bitch.
The pretty Demon Girl,
Pitch black Witch.


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Seeking Positive Change
by Margaret Desmond

Seeking Positive Change

What has Ireland goverment done to us?!
Killed our nations soul
Ripping us off of every cent

Don't have a mattress to lie on
Sleep on a couch, my makeshift bed, my home
I light a fire at night to keep me warm and bright


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Recent Hurt Poems
Heart, Alone
by Clare-Anne Flower

Remember me? The heart you left to beat alone. The one you left no hand to hold My heart gone cold, my love grown old. My mind worn and my soul sold...

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Silent Struggles
by Nad SZA

My heart, breaks each day
No one knows, they don't have to know
But it breaks each time I think about it
Some days I feel like a failure
Though I always make myself seem like a champion
Some days I feel like the ugliest girl
Though I would always self praise when I'm around others

I would overwork and stress myself out
Fall sick, health deteriorating


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Love Restricted By Royalty
by Nad SZA

In a kingdom filled with tradition and pride
Two hearts silently collided
Prince Dean and Princess Delilah, forbidden love
A love that the world would never approve of

Prince Dean, with eyes so bright
Asked Princess Delilah one moonlit night
"Do you think I can give you happiness?"
Her response was filled with sadness


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Hope or Hoax
by Mayank Nirala

I contemplate why you came into my life.
Is there a reason!
Why do I feel a relevance
Why do you remind me of me

What purpose do you hold
Why do I want you to have one

Are you a ray of hope
Or Is this a hoax


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Walking through the maze of doubt
by Daniel Ryan Cotler

In the maze of doubt and insecurity, I'd tread,
Gaslit and projected upon, my spirit often led,
Every turn, a challenge, uncertainties grew,
In this narcissistic grip, I questioned what was true.

With each step I took, shadows seemed to loom,
As you gaslighted me, a relentless gloom,
Navigating the maze, my mind in disarray,
In this labyrinth of doubt, I'd search for a way.


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    Attila Jozsef (1 poems about Hurt)
    11 April 1905 – 3 December 1937 / Hungary
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