Home Poems

Popular Home Poems
by Hayden Carruth

Right up there this side the Five Chimneys Corners
about a mile south the Oneida line, this goddamn
granddaddy sugar maple block I tell you it's
what you might call a real out-size block a old-time
ball-busting son of a bitch of a block laying by the side
the road where that house with the busted porch is
the worn-out gray asphalt siding? the lawn sale
going April to November? you know where I
mean, this block if it was a redwood you could cut
a hole in it for the tourists to drive through, a good


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by Anne Brontë

How brightly glistening in the sun
The woodland ivy plays!
While yonder beeches from their barks
Reflect his silver rays.
That sun surveys a lovely scene
From softly smiling skies;
And wildly through unnumbered trees
The wind of winter sighs:

Now loud, it thunders o'er my head,


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by Mary Daly

Home is such a little word,
Which covers such a lot,
From the old man in his easy chair,
To the baby in his cot.
It doesn't have to be a place,
Of antiques, gold or splendor,
Just a simple little cottage,
Full of joy, and truth, and candour.
Where from understanding parents,
You learn, the right from wrong.


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by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I was a competent, happy housewife, but that was before my husband died,
Leaving me to rear myriad children solo, as the lone star twinkles with pride.

John had left us a prosperous farm, with a lovely home, shaped like a shoe;
And our older children did farm work daily, as they'd ever been wont to do.

My older children were reliable and steadfast, since they were nearly grown;
But, my young ones often got in mischief, and my eldest didn't live at home.

Although I loved my children dearly, they did ofttimes, seem to be in my hair.


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by Maya Angelou

Lying, thinking
Last night
How to find my soul a home
Where water is not thirsty
And bread loaf is not stone
I came up with one thing
And I don't believe I'm wrong
That nobody,
But nobody
Can make it out here alone.


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Recent Home Poems
Home or on loan.
by Laurence Argyll Simon Noond

Where do we come from,
Why are we here.
Is earth really are home,
Or is it just on loan.

Evolution is the theory,
Its something i would query,
Some say the Big Bang theory,
I find that very dreary.


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by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I was a competent, happy housewife, but that was before my husband died,
Leaving me to rear myriad children solo, as the lone star twinkles with pride.

John had left us a prosperous farm, with a lovely home, shaped like a shoe;
And our older children did farm work daily, as they'd ever been wont to do.

My older children were reliable and steadfast, since they were nearly grown;
But, my young ones often got in mischief, and my eldest didn't live at home.

Although I loved my children dearly, they did ofttimes, seem to be in my hair.


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The Hovel.
by Alexandra Davis

A tiny kitchen
A broken gate
A single bed
And a best mate.
Cups of tea
In doughnut-shaped mugs
That same blue blanket
Plenty of hugs.
Uncut grass
Carpet-less floor


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When We Were Four
by Jacob George

Dinner each day
The time slowly passes
Four round plates
Two pairs of glasses
Together each day
Never unfurled
Sharing what we had to say
About the world

When summers heat


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another, again
by Ren Snow

Again I sit in an airport gate.
2 hours removed from 100 days in Dublin.
15 hours from another Florida homecoming.

My heart aches for the Irish green I'm leaving.
It aches, too, for the warm beaches I've missed.

How obnoxious, to mourn both at once.
I will never have enough days at home.


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    1830 - 1902 / Edinburgh / Scotland
  • Banjo Paterson
    Banjo Paterson (49 poems about Home)
    17 February 1864 – 5 February 1941 / New South Wales
  • Henry Lawson
    Henry Lawson (43 poems about Home)
    17 June 1867 – 2 September 1922 / Grenfell, New South Wales
  •  Homer
    Homer (33 poems about Home)
    Disputed - c 850 B.C.E. / Disputed
  • Philip Levine
    Philip Levine (31 poems about Home)
    January 10, 1928 / Detroit, Michigan
  • Robert Louis Stevenson
    Robert Louis Stevenson (31 poems about Home)
    November 13, 1850 / Edinburgh, Scotland - December 3, 1894 / Vailima, Samoa
  •  Julia Ann Moore
    Julia Ann Moore (30 poems about Home)
    Julia A Moore] (1847-1920 / United States
  • Henry Clay Work
    Henry Clay Work (24 poems about Home)
    1 October 1832 – 8 June 1884 / Middletown, Connecticut
  •  Anonymous Olde English
    Anonymous Olde English (19 poems about Home)
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