Devil Poems

Popular Devil Poems
Devil's Got a Grip On Me
by Frangipani Rhett

I'm just trying to survive
Is it so surprising
That I want to leave?
To get away from everything?

Trust me this isn't easy
I'm not here because it's fun
I wasn't lying to you
Trying to get your sympathy


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by Jayesh Goyal

I stood there mesmerized, she seemed to be playing the game of statues with me .. devilish intentions unknown ..
My desires racing like a snuff of cocaine ...
I envied her kaajal that gets to feel her intelligence through her eyes
I was jealous of her lip-color that gets to kiss her lips first
Just felt like cutting off the tuft of her hair that caressed the nape of her sensous neck
I was jealous of her ear-ring that so passionately lick her soft ears
I envied her top that get to caress her mounds of pleasure
I felt like murdering her sleeves that consume the fragrance of her oxters
Felt like tearing her waist-band that get to spank her bums so greedily
As I stood here learning the tricks to defy the laws of gravity ... as I discovered the 4 laws of emotion .. as the Newton was reborn


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Drinking With Satan
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

Passed out on the damp concrete stairs...
Along Lake Pontchartrain...
Surrounded by empty gin bottles...
Remembering nothing but my first name...

As I rubbed my bloodshot eyes...
Seeing nothing at all but red...
As Satan’s wicked minstrels play loudly...
Drums pounding in my throbbing head...


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Shards of Satan
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

Piercing my soul...
Blinding my eyes...
Shredding my very existence...

Slicing my wrists...
Ripping my heart...
Shredding my very existence...

Mulching my memories...
Eviscerating my imagination...


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A Fallen Angel's Tale To Grace Abundance
by Christen Kuikoua

The devil, once beautiful, desired more,
His craving for power, a treacherous lure.
In the pursuit of dominion, he led with arrogance,
A path of darkness, where his soul was lost.

His charm masked a hunger insatiable,
An appetite for control, a desire unattainable.
As he reached for the heavens, his pride unfurled,
For he wished to be God, and dared to defy the divine order.
Cast down, he learned humility's cost,


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Recent Devil Poems
A Walk down the Tunnel
by Somali Mukherjee

“Darkness does embalm;
All things, getting calm,
Produce an eerie feeling;
Can it serve with a healing?”

“Aye, aye, sure, sure!
Such feelings do us lure,
To approach its end.”
“Can we reach, my friend?


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Devil's Got a Grip On Me
by Frangipani Rhett

I'm just trying to survive
Is it so surprising
That I want to leave?
To get away from everything?

Trust me this isn't easy
I'm not here because it's fun
I wasn't lying to you
Trying to get your sympathy


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A Fallen Angel's Tale To Grace Abundance
by Christen Kuikoua

The devil, once beautiful, desired more,
His craving for power, a treacherous lure.
In the pursuit of dominion, he led with arrogance,
A path of darkness, where his soul was lost.

His charm masked a hunger insatiable,
An appetite for control, a desire unattainable.
As he reached for the heavens, his pride unfurled,
For he wished to be God, and dared to defy the divine order.
Cast down, he learned humility's cost,


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by Ayatullah Nurjati

Your breath catches up
Your scent is annoying
If only I wasn't the innocent me I would have crushed your fingers in a worldly
Unfortunately I'm not an angel—instead I'm impressed as the incarnation of
As if I have a passion to transmit the essence of lust
If you're not my lover, I'd better go to mbah shaman to complain or to the sea
it's better
There I found jellyfish, dolphins and their inhabitants


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The Devil's tale
by El Mann

Where he goes death follows
Why that is no one knows
What he touches turns to dust
Yet he knows not what he does
The concept of joy is a stranger to him
If he has ever felt it at all it was but a gleam
He too shall never obtain love
As though some divine punishment from above
He does know what love is
But he will forever be denied that eternal bliss


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Popular Poetry Topics
Popular Poets about Devil From Members
    FELLEX CHECA (1 poem about Devil)
    June 06, 1997 - Namibia
  • Jayesh Jain
    Jayesh Jain (1 poems about Devil)
    July 1, 1999 - India
  • El Mann
    El Mann (1 poems about Devil)
    October 20, 2001 - Singapore