Today Poems

Popular Today Poems
Lines Composed In A Wood On A Windy Day
by Anne Brontë

My soul is awakened, my spirit is soaring
And carried aloft on the wings of the breeze;
For above and around me the wild wind is roaring,
Arousing to rapture the earth and the seas.
The long withered grass in the sunshine is glancing,
The bare trees are tossing their branches on high;
The dead leaves, beneath them, are merrily dancing,
The white clouds are scudding across the blue sky.

I wish I could see how the ocean is lashing


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by Hannah Woerner

Those who came before know it is not a battle but a war that must be fought and won once again by those much younger than them

And those who love god rage because the one they praise is not Holy, but depraved
How could such devastation take place if this god of love really does rein

United we should stand against the evil hand of oppression
The halt that has been put on progression
The stifling darkness of depression

We’re caught in a war of draining night,


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Gust Becos I Cud Not Spel
by Brian Patten

Gust becos I cud not spel
It did not mean I was daft
When the boys in school red my riting
Some of them laffed

But now I am the dictater
They have to rite like me
Utherwise they cannot pas


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What Weather
by Angela Fletcher

The leaves are blowing away
Up, up, and away they go.
Swish, swoosh, they go.
Like a dancing ballerina
Up, up and away they go
Way up , in the sky.

The trees standing there,
Their branches all bare.
The wind whistling throughout empty branches,


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'Tis Good—The Looking Back On Grief
by Emily Dickinson


'Tis good—the looking back on Grief—
To re-endure a Day—
We thought the Mighty Funeral—
Of All Conceived Joy—

To recollect how Busy Grass
Did meddle—one by one—
Till all the Grief with Summer—waved


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Recent Today Poems
What ? What?
by Otteri Selvakumar

What a love?
Today love
dead on ego
what a love
today love
broken to heart
what a love
today love
waiting with seashore
what a love?


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by Hannah Woerner

Those who came before know it is not a battle but a war that must be fought and won once again by those much younger than them

And those who love god rage because the one they praise is not Holy, but depraved
How could such devastation take place if this god of love really does rein

United we should stand against the evil hand of oppression
The halt that has been put on progression
The stifling darkness of depression

We’re caught in a war of draining night,


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Just me
by Carl Sinderby

Just me who i am with in this body I own,
Forever changing I understand I have grown,
Many challenges I have faced,
All the dreams I have chased,

Just me in the room i call home,
Thinking of how to set the tone,
Will it be a graceful day i have today,
Or do I falter to pretend I'm ok,
Just me I count on so many times,


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Pause and Cherish
by Chandra Pathakoti

How long will you Run? How long will you hold steam
in the sun?
When will you be done? Is life a race to be Won?
Dashed into multitude of races and timeless chases
Huffing and puffing, landing in empty spaces
Chasing mysterious mirages and feeling restless
In this gold rush, death will blush, leaving ya
The time will perish and days will pass
All the treasure’s gone, once ya buried under grass


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A Golden Day
by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

The subtle beauty of this day
Hangs o'er me like a fairy spell,
And care and grief have flown away,
And every breeze sings, "all is well."
I ask, "Holds earth or sin, or woe?"
My heart replies, "I do not know."

Nay! all we know, or feel, my heart,
Today is joy undimmed, complete;
In tears or pain we have no part;


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