Self harm Poems

Popular Self harm Poems
by Hannah Woerner

I am so angry. I'm not sure why, but I am furious.
I will be walking down the hall and just want to smash my hand against the walls, until I can’t move it, until there’s more blood than flesh. I want it to hurt, I want it to hurt so much that it’s all I feel.
So I don’t get these flashes of debilitating sadness, of complete emptiness, or utter anguish.
I want physical pain, but I am too weak to do it to myself. I want someone to hurt me until I can’t feel anymore.
I want to bleed, to see the red run down my skin. I want to hurt.
Am I angry? I guess I can’t tell anymore. is it anger or something more. Is the root of it deeper, why do I care.
Why couldn’t I just do it. Now there are people watching, why did I fucking tell people.
I would have been fine, and if not I wouldn’t have to deal with it now. I didn’t do it so what’s it matter.
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. I want to scream I want to cry I want a fucking hug.
I want to talk to her but she’s so tired. I could just text her. I’m going to text her, but not tell her why. just to distract myself, maybe she’s asleep and then she won’t answer and then I don’t know.


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by Hannah Woerner

I was asked a lot this week what I had done.
Where the cut on my arm came from, what I could have done to get it.
I didn't lie.
I kept the secrets inside but I didn't lie
I'm trying to stop lying
at least not about that
But when they ask about my day
when they ask if I'm okay
I can't stop lying yet, not about that
I'm trying to stop lying to let people in


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by Hannah Woerner

Its dark and Im scared again

Not of physical monsters

But of the ones in my head
The ones who rage the ones I thought maybe just maybe I made up for attention

But I was wrong and they are real and I am scared

I dont want to die I promise I really dont


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by Hannah Woerner

I was so so stupid to mark where we can see
Now everywhere I go this scar follows me

And I can’t escape the purple glow
Coming from the ripped skin below
I’m trapped by a sickening glare
Reminded of why and how I put it there

Laughing off inquiries
Writing in this virtual diary


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So tell me
by Author Reinvented

Trying to save myself from all this pain I'm in,

Still can't see the end of all this pointless strife.

Thought I could save myself by cutting my own skin,

But I still can't see the morning to this endless night.



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Recent Self harm Poems
At The Door
by Jeff Bresee

Curled up in the corner
in dead of the night.
Afraid of darkness
and praying for light.

Eyes peer from the ceiling.
Hands reach from the floor.
Hearts beat from the walls
and he stands at the door.


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Yet Again
by Jeff Bresee

The feeling
haunts me
time and time again.
I feel it as it’s coming
like a scent upon the wind.

Like wind across the predator
wafts out to warn the prey.
So likewise all I know and feel
screams, “turn and run away!”


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by abbagail hall

During the summer was the best.

During the summer i became clean from self harm.

During the summer i was so happy.

During the summer in the best state of mind.

Then fall hit.


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"are you ok?"
by abbagail hall

When someone asks you “are you ok?” you always feel the need to say “ya im fine”.

Even if you just spent the last 20 minutes cleaning the blood from your wrist.

Even if you just had the whole bottle of pills in your mouth ready to swallow.

Even if you just was about to kick the chair away.

Even if you just had your whole room smelling like burning skin.


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Behind their words
by Krystal Voisinet

I wish people could see through my eyes
Hear through my ears
Cry through the night
And think my thoughts
I wish someone could feel my pain
Because maybe they wouldn't stare
And i wouldn't feel the glares
They wouldn't talk about me
And would know that behind every person
That talks about me


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