Sadness Poems

Popular Sadness Poems
by Hannah Woerner

Do you understand what I feel when I close the door, when you’re not here anymore
When I don’t have to talk or smile or sing
The only sound is the ring of the thoughts in my head all calling for attention
All full of aggression
Fighting to be loudest
To be the proudest of the villains
To make mole hills into mountains
To make rivers into fountains of poison
Spitting into my very soul, the very depth of my heart
Turning warmth into cold and


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by Hannah Woerner

I feel as if this is a mask I’m wearing~
All of this pain and despair~
has no room here~
Happiness around every corner~
Makes any watcher wonder~
What makes her think she can feel this way?~
Entitlement seeps through the crack in her ploy-
Because she likes more than boys?~
Acceptance leaves no room for the cage~
She locks herself in and writes on a page~


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by Arvin Dassad

feel the sheets,
truly feel them,
that first breath,
the one that woke you,
the one that carries you, unequivocally,
without question,
it holds you,
suffer in ignorant bliss, you know not what comes ahead,


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by Adriano Rada


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by Adriano Rada


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Recent Sadness Poems
Weary day surrenders to night;
by Amy Michelle Mosier

Weary day surrenders to night;
She wears a pleasant countenance.
Echoes of traffic hush the strife
Of a long day; a moment of silence

Makes still even the Holy Ghost
As the cobalt of the sky fades.
A moth makes love to the lamppost
Knowing the warmth of its rays.


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Low dust clouds bristled
by Amy Michelle Mosier

Low dust clouds bristled
In the sky but I did not see;
A lone grackle whistled
A warning I did not perceive.

The world would not cease turning
In its cruel mockery.
I sat upon a rock, faltering –
Because of things that wouldn’t be.


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by Adriano Rada


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by Adriano Rada


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by Adriano Rada


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