Mystery Poems

Popular Mystery Poems
Smile Of Rose
by Adelana Victor

In the garden of my heart, there grows a rose,
a mystery, a beauty, the one my heart chose.

Her smile, a radiant bloom in the twilight's grace,
a secret enhancement, a captivating embrace.

Oh, smile of rose, like petals soft and rare,
in your gentle laughter, I find solace there.

Your eyes, like stars that twinkle in the night,


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Where Love Lives
by Monica Ellis

I stumbled away from loneliness and fell into a land called Love.
Upon entry, you must surrender to uncertainty and defenseless transfer thereof

Along with this, you must risk,
your heart as you allow.

At this place, you must grace
your scars and vulnerabilities.
in this place, If you stay
You might enjoy pleasantries.


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Mysteriously She Moves
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

in sun drenched noon lost in light
smiling gently to herself
she is on the path of pinks
with their clove like scent

tanagers and scarlet birds
come to the midday calling
but she is off to somewhere
flowers in her hand

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A Quiet Spell
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Blue mockingbird is not singing now,
Within the emerald green shrubbery,
Near blooms deep orange red and gold,
Under the sapphire of daytime skies!
The lazy clouds are puffy and white;
And there's such stillness and peace.
It appears to encompass all the world,
In its sunshine golden yellow splendor,
That highlights all the wild colors!
Blue mockingbird is mysteriously mute,


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kill the moon
by Rumi Ullidov

Kill the moon
No sea shall rise again, torture of the land
No howling wolf shall disturb the night
No mourning for the lost souls, forgotten and never found
No sorrow for the lost love, no regrets
Kill the moon
To rise, to seize the moment
In joy to smile
And then in hysteria


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Recent Mystery Poems
Smile Of Rose
by Adelana Victor

In the garden of my heart, there grows a rose,
a mystery, a beauty, the one my heart chose.

Her smile, a radiant bloom in the twilight's grace,
a secret enhancement, a captivating embrace.

Oh, smile of rose, like petals soft and rare,
in your gentle laughter, I find solace there.

Your eyes, like stars that twinkle in the night,


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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

The absolute reign of night lasts forever
And throbs from wet drums within lengthen its royal reign.

Constellations stud the lashes with midnight views;
Salutations from the owls’ wing-flaps welcome the
Sponge web of the womb of this hour
And the sable-garmented, freezing, old, festered
December day lives on.

Arrangements of coloured words without voice begins.


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Man & Jinn
by Saleh Ben Saleh

My mind had always wondered of those we live among,
too many times I heard the tales and even learned the song.
For in this world,
the mortal world,
the land of good and sin,
we don’t live alone but we share the earth with a race of living Jinn.

God created Jinn from fire and from dust created man,
mortal souls with subtle bodies,
but with a longer life span.


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Paws and whiskers.
by kiki .

my mind is a ball of yarn, you try and unravel it
with paws and whiskers.

my mind wanders as a winding road in the depts of Switzerland. you try and walk it,
whit paws and whiskers

whiskers and paws with deep blue eys,
yellow sunflowers looking trough me,
trough my ball of yarn,
to the core


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Dawn Never Dies
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I was a red-violet, sunny morning person, usually up at the crack of dawn,
When orange light poured from the east, upon revival, dewy green lawns.

With a cup of aromal coffee, I'd watch yellow sunrise creep in the window,
Enjoying the zestful song of red robin, while night and day were in limbo.

I would take walks at the golden hour, flooded in light, just after a sunrise,
In the serenity of wanton, floral summer, slowly unveiling a destiny prized.

Visits of friends were features of morning, for sunup fondness is infective,


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Popular Poetry Topics
Popular Poets about Mystery From Members
  • Omoniyi Ademola
    Omoniyi Ademola (1 poems about Mystery)
    ѕango oттa, ocтoвer 22, 2002
  • O. I. Jibi
    O. I. Jibi (1 poems about Mystery)
    December 09, 2019 - Port Harcourt
  • Seyi Ojenike
    Seyi Ojenike (1 poems about Mystery)
    January 26, 1992 - Lagos
  • kiki .
    kiki . (1 poem about Mystery)
    june 2, 2006