Jesus Poems

Popular Jesus Poems
Heretical Poems by Michael R. Burch
by Michael R. Burch

Heretical Poems by Michael R. Burch

Bible Libel
by Michael R. Burch

If God
is good,
half the Bible
is libel.


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The Everlasting Council of Peace
by Carl Rex

The Joyful place that ever sang, at once did come to halt
Startled by this sudden change, I wondered what's the fault?
The Holy Angels hushed their harps, proceeded on to cry
So curious as to what's the cause, I bluntly asked them "Why?"

An Angel pointed down to earth, deep darkness there prevailed
The Holy pair had lost their robe, for they had fully failed
Their final test of loyalty by eating from the tree
And listening to that artful snake, they lost their liberty!


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A Girl Who Stood for Sabbath
by Carl Rex

I know a girl, oh she is so sweet
But more than that there's no deceit
She tries to keep God's Holy day
And please Him daily in every way.

But then one day, the devil took note
And in his aweful book, he wrote
Taking an oath to make her fail
And with his evil forces prevail.


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My Lady
by Subbie Vacc

He chose you from the beginning of this world.
And when the time had come, he sent his messenger to ask not for your hand, but for your heart.

My Lady, you went beyond yourself and said: "I am the handmaid of the lord."
How good it is that you lay down your life for Him knowing that he'd have to lay His down for the whole world.

My Lady, no one showed you kindness, but you were able to have him in a manger.
He feed at your breasts and you watched him grow. God and the Immaculate Conception

My Lady, you thought that you lost him, but he was not. He said: "I was out doing my father's Business. My Lady how good it is that you ponder His response in your heart.


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The Soulful Church
by Carl Rex

There was a little pale building
'twas a Church that had no bell ring
But there was always sweet singing
Bringing loud praises to the King

Not much money or coins to spare
Nor riches, assets to declare
But love and kindness ever there
Good food and fellowship to share


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Recent Jesus Poems
33. Devil's Guest
by Kea Campbell

The enemy delights on my temple, and when I feast on the world, he is the Host.
He cut off my nose in hopes that my anger would grow.
His hand clenches my liver and the other guides my tongue.
With every breath of his sweet air that I take, I deny the gift of life from my lungs.
And when I'm dead, will he be at the gates to represent me in the Lord's court in attempt to allegate?
With every step I take into the light, he fills my heels with lead.
But the Lord will make mine like Hinds' feet and rebuke the Devil's tread.


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Flower of Christmas
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

mint green Christmas and
star shaped poinsettias point
at the golden hour

red plant revelry
and hoot owl's quiet in snow
mauve sun is setting

pretty centerpiece
where loved ones gather laughing


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Christmas Poems by Michael R. Burch
by Michael R. Burch

These are Christmas poems by Michael R. Burch. Some are darker Christmas poems and heretical Christmas poems.

The First Christmas
by Michael R. Burch

’Twas in a land so long ago . . .
the lambs lay blanketed in snow
and little children everywhere
sat and watched warm embers glow
and dreamed (of what, we do not know).


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Magi And The Master
by Christuraj Alex

Puzzles filled the paths of the Magi. Each stone was a gem.
Every gleam and nurture of nature shone like Bethlehem.
Each ray of sun and drop of shower, they gladly explored
Could they quench their thirst by anyone except their own lord?

Could Herod hide the spark of untruth in his tongue for long?
Nipping in bud, the good news of Jesus in him was strong.
Did he know that ending your life would end his life as well?
The Scriptures and sciences seemed to him like souls of hell.


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At Your Arrival
by Christuraj Alex

No eyes could see dominions of rainbows filling the skies.
Stars flew, floated, and fluttered around in numb-filled surprise.
Did anyone see the skies blossom and a child appear?
He rested between Joseph and Mary with charm and cheer.

On rough racks, they dwelt, as there was no place in human hearts.
Cows, bulls, and sheep stood as though forgetting their breathing arts.
Mystic music concerts were heard like thunder and earthquakes.
The Almighty's graces seemed to surround them like ice flakes.


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