Jesus Poems

Popular Jesus Poems
My Heart Prayer: Kneeling Before Redemption
by Christen Kuikoua

In the sacred silence of this moment,
I kneel before you, my Lord,
burdened by the weight of my transgressions.
My soul trembles, confessing
the sins that have stained the fabric of my being.
Oh, forgive me, Almighty,
for straying from the path of righteousness
and betraying the values you have bestowed upon me.

I have succumbed to the allure of fleeting pleasures,


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The Lonely One
by Carl Rex

The night was cold with heavy dew
The day was still afar
A mournful voice with words so few
Was heard in starkest jar

That voice I knew so intimate
But ne'er before in fear
In early morn or night so late
Was always full of cheer


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The Soulful Church
by Carl Rex

There was a little pale building
'twas a Church that had no bell ring
But there was always sweet singing
Bringing loud praises to the King

Not much money or coins to spare
Nor riches, assets to declare
But love and kindness ever there
Good food and fellowship to share


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The Papal Vision
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

In verity and with great hopes,
Malachy told his Prophecy of Popes!
Centuries ago, he was called to Rome,
Like the bees to their honeycomb.

There a beauteous vision did flower,
Of all remaining popes in their hour!
His sequence of most cryptic phrases,
From first to last, still quite amazes.


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Death Is But A Sleep
by Carl Rex

A mourning train passed slowly by the Savior's worn out men
The subject being one young man who passed out dead just then
He left this world so young, so soon - his widowed mother too
The air was drenched with wails and shreiks, it was a terrible view

He was a dear and helpful man, the loss was keenly felt
The women wept with sincere tears, their hearts for them did melt
The kids were sad with teary eyes and followed with a sigh
The men were lost in deepest thought, they wondered "oh God why?


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Recent Jesus Poems
My Heart Prayer: Kneeling Before Redemption
by Christen Kuikoua

In the sacred silence of this moment,
I kneel before you, my Lord,
burdened by the weight of my transgressions.
My soul trembles, confessing
the sins that have stained the fabric of my being.
Oh, forgive me, Almighty,
for straying from the path of righteousness
and betraying the values you have bestowed upon me.

I have succumbed to the allure of fleeting pleasures,


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Christmas Day
by Pijush Biswas

Shadow, shadow of the night
Into skies star's twinkling bright,
Woes of the year ceased to be
While my friends I must see;
Unto the day the merry bell
Ringing joyfully doth foretell
That we are ours own.

Clear and fine as we
Shinning about Christmas tree


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A Christmas with loved ones
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

Lord show us the way
That we can best celebrate your day,
Should it be fun
For all of us to feel as one?
Or should we be sad
Knowing that we may at times have been a little bad?
May we please drink,
So that into depression we do not now sink,
Aware of course
That too much imbibed turns our chatter into morse.


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Beware Of The Signs Of the Coming Of Antichrist!
by Shaila Touchton

Antichrist denies that Jesus Christ is God who came in the flesh
He Opposes God and Exalts himself above God
He is the beast rising up out of the sea, having 7heads and 10 horns
Upon his horns 10 crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy
He is the Beast with the number 666
He is the man of sin, the son of perdition
The Man of Lawlessness and who change times and laws
He is the deceiver of the elect and Wolf in sheep's clothing

He comes in peace and obtains the kingdom by flatteries


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Heretical Poems by Michael R. Burch
by Michael R. Burch

Heretical Poems by Michael R. Burch

Bible Libel
by Michael R. Burch

If God
is good,
half the Bible
is libel.


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Popular Poetry Topics
Popular Poets about Jesus From Members
  • Carl Rex
    Carl Rex (9 poems about Jesus)
    August 26, 1990 - India
  • Subbie Vacc
    Subbie Vacc (1 poems about Jesus)
  • Álan Brito
    Álan Brito (1 poem about Jesus)
    July 25, 2000 - Teixeira de Freitas