Inspiration Poems

Popular Inspiration Poems
Don'T Quit
by Edgar Albert Guest

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
when the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
when the funds are low and the debts are high,
and you want to smile but you have to sigh,
when care is pressing you down a bit - rest if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns.
As everyone of us sometimes learns.
And many a fellow turns about when he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don't give up though the pace seems slow - you may succeed with another blow.


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Beautiful Butterfly
by Pierre Richard Raymond

Beautiful butterfly, fly while you can.
Fly across my happiness and anguish.
Fly in my beloved darken sky and unfold
The reluctant clouds of my inspiration.
Fly around me as to shuffle my despair
While awaiting patiently for you to perch
At the climax of my heart surrounded
By the warmth of your trust and faith.
As you might know, life is a straight road
With so many unexpected curves within.


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by Barbara Maxwell Deraoui

In the end
Light wins over dark
Love over hate
Goodness over evil
Freedom over oppression


Truth over lies
Integrity over corruption


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by Sophie Hannah

Although you have given me a stomach upset,
Weak knees, a lurching heart, a fuzzy brain,
A high-pitched laugh, a monumental phone bill,
A feeling of unworthiness, sharp pain
When you are somewhere else, a guilty conscience,
A longing, and a dread of what’s in store,
A pulse rate for the Guinness Book of Records -
Life now is better than it was before.

Although you have given me a raging temper,


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Learning Positive Vibes
by Somali Mukherjee

The clock strikes four;

I’m never like before;

I’ve learnt to take life’s drink

Up to the lees from the brink;

Multiple layers of joy


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Recent Inspiration Poems
by alexis karpouzos

In the quiet of the night,
We find a truth profound: there are no borders in our souls.
No lines to mark where you end and where I begin,
In the vast expanse within, we are kin.

Our hearts beat in unison, a universal song,
In the dance of life, we all belong.
No walls can hold the spirit, no chains can bind the heart,
In the realm of the soul, we are never apart.


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The Urge To Create Something Beautiful
by Jacob Spronz

I have the urge to create something beautiful,
but these walls do not inspire me at all.
I have spent years studying the grain of their wood,
the brush strokes in their paint,
and the scuffs they have accumulated over the years.
They are the same as they were years ago,
and do not inspire me at all.

I can hear nature calling to me—
a whisper carried in the wind


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Light Up - a voicemail
by Adelana Victor

Hey, it's Victor here, calling in to check on you.

In case no one has whispered this to you today,
let me be the voice to tell you
You're beautiful
More beautiful than the Milky Way.
You're strong
Stronger than anything that ever poses to be an obstacle on your way
You're powerful
More powerful than you can ever imagine.


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by alexis karpouzos

Endless in space, living in the eternal motion of Substance, Thou, who wast before the flight of ages, who art impersonal in the three persons of Deity. Spirit present everywhere and indivisible, with no assigned abode and with no cause, whom none could understand as yet, who fills, embraces, creates and preserves everything by the very essence of itself, the One whom we call God.

Though a high intelligence might measure the deep ocean, and count the sands and the rays of planets, for Thee there is no number and no measure; even Spirits of Light, born of Thy Radiance, could not conceive of Thy ways; as soon as the thought dares to lift itself to Thee it is doomed to disappear in thy Greatness, like a moment, passing into eternity.

Thou hast called forth from the abysses of eternity the primordial existence of Chaos; and founded in Thyself this eternity born before the ages. Self-born and radiant, Thou art the light whence all light proceeds. Creating everything in one word, expanding in continually renewed creation, Thou hast been, Thou art, Thou shalt be forever.

Thou containest the chain of beings in Thyself, Thou sustainest it and givest it light. Thou makest the beginning harmonious with the end, and givest life through death. Like streaming and whirling sparks, so are the Suns born from Thee. Like crystals of frost sparkling, moving and shining on a clear frosty morning, so are the stars in the abysses below Thee.

The burning millions of stars stream in the immeasurable space, fulfilling Thy laws, and shedding lifegiving rays. But all these burning torches, and the ardent rocks of crystals, and the boiling hosts of golden waves, and the fiery ether and the totality of all possible shining when compared to Thee will be like night before day.


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by Falling Awake

The boredom of the mundane
evaporated as you rose,
and ascended into my center.

Now boundless and bursting,
I find myself vibrant–
raging alive,
blazing aglow,
from the zest you cast upon me.


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