Goodbye Poems

Popular Goodbye Poems
by Adriano Rada


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Lost Love
by Aheli Mustafi

The look on your face
I knew I was losing you
Every laugh, every smile
Shorter and dimer
Your love for me was fading
When you said goodbye
I knew it was forever
Knew you weren’t coming home

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by Amelia Pond

I meant to say goodbye to you
before you left and went elsewhere
somehow I never got the chance
so I watch you walk away

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Death Of a Relative
by Randy Johnson

My papaw died twenty-five years ago today.
It's been a quarter of a century since he passed away.
When he took a new medication, he became sick.
When Papaw took it, he turned out to be allergic.
If it hadn't been for Papaw, I wouldn't exist.
He died a long time ago and he's still missed.

(Dedicated to Burley Johnson who died on August 3, 1994.)

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Change of Scenery
by Frangipani Retrograde

Note: This one is sad for me... Anyways. Let me know if you like it. Thanks.

Why are you going?
His little voice said
I didn't know how to answer
The question I so dread

I don't know why I'm going
I don't want to leave
Told my little boy it was time


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Recent Goodbye Poems
by Adriano Rada


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Lost Love
by Aheli Mustafi

The look on your face
I knew I was losing you
Every laugh, every smile
Shorter and dimer
Your love for me was fading
When you said goodbye
I knew it was forever
Knew you weren’t coming home

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Change of Scenery
by Frangipani Retrograde

Note: This one is sad for me... Anyways. Let me know if you like it. Thanks.

Why are you going?
His little voice said
I didn't know how to answer
The question I so dread

I don't know why I'm going
I don't want to leave
Told my little boy it was time


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Saying Goodbye
by Haych Nano

Today we place you to final rest
know that with your presence we've been blessed.
six feet down in your grave
we shed a tear, goodbye we wave.
the time has come to let you go
the sound rings out of the graveyard crow.
the clouds may part, the sun may shine
the priest speaks out, its now the time.
family cuddle and hug as we walk away
i'll never forget such a painful day.


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Sienna in Season
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I was a productive, proficient painter, long captivated by the manifold colors,
An infinite parade of hues and intensities, like tales of a thousand summers.

I worked daily at this irresistible passion, which made long, golden hours fly,
As sun stains skies in its final burst of passion, prior to a pretty day going by.

My creative work was quite rewarding, granting such joys of self expression,
Like rare pearl thrills often derived, from fragrant, dusky moonlight sessions.

Faithful spring faded, with fond memories of buds, when friends came to call,


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