Frangipani Rhett

Hospital Room 777
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A New Car

She didn't know what she was doing
On her own to buy a car
There was only interest offered
From her tyranical abuser

Lying silently, draped over her bed
She tried to plan it out
How she'd know which car to buy and buy it
Before she gave in to her dad's "support"

Her dad was her abuser, she'd only ever complied
But she was on her own now
Refusing his help, she was trying to hide

She wished she had a friend,
Just one who cared would do
But she'd texted all her friends goodbye
And all her brothers too

There was a boy, let's call him Drew
who's kindness made her blush
She'd never had anyone
Who'd ever cared that much

She told him of her worries
Curled up next to this boy on the couch
Played with her stuffed animals
As she poured her weary heart out

"Sometimes I wish
I had a friend who was a boy
Just while I buy this car
So no one assults me"

The boy she talked to,
Her forbidden fruit
Turned into the color of a cranberry
Wishing he could say his truth

Much too soon, they had to part
He sat still as she turned away
She bought the car with a broken heart
And he dreamed she would have stayed
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