Dog Poems

Popular Dog Poems
by Valerie Worth

Under a maple tree
the dog lies down,
Lolls his limp
Tongue, yawns,
Rests his long chin
Carefully between
Front paws;
Looks up, alert;
Chops, with heavy
Jaws, at a slow fly,


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by Hayden Carruth

Right up there this side the Five Chimneys Corners
about a mile south the Oneida line, this goddamn
granddaddy sugar maple block I tell you it's
what you might call a real out-size block a old-time
ball-busting son of a bitch of a block laying by the side
the road where that house with the busted porch is
the worn-out gray asphalt siding? the lawn sale
going April to November? you know where I
mean, this block if it was a redwood you could cut
a hole in it for the tourists to drive through, a good


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Since Hanna Moved Away
by Judith Viorst

The tires on my bike are flat.
The sky is grouchy gray.
At least it sure feels like that
Since Hanna moved away.

Chocolate ice cream tastes like prunes.
December's come to stay.
They've taken back the Mays and Junes
Since Hanna moved away.


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The New Dog
by Linda Pastan

Into the gravity of my life,
the serious ceremonies
of polish and paper
and pen, has come

this manic animal
whose innocent disruptions
make nonsense
of my old simplicities-


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by Frank O'Hara

If I rest for a moment near The Equestrian
pausing for a liver sausage sandwich in the Mayflower Shoppe,
that angel seems to be leading the horse into Bergdorf's
and I am naked as a table cloth, my nerves humming.
Close to the fear of war and the stars which have disappeared.
I have in my hands only 35c, it's so meaningless to eat!
and gusts of water spray over the basins of leaves
like the hammers of a glass pianoforte. If I seem to you
to have lavender lips under the leaves of the world,
I must tighten my belt.


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Recent Dog Poems
Fortuitous Journey
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I was a prominent theoretical physicist, relying upon beautiful mathematics,
Like devout gardeners everywhere, rely on butterscotch sunshine dramatics.

Rose days were spent inventing theories, to address pure astral phenomena,
And testing the raw theories, such as what causes far-off, supernova trauma.

The indescribable thrill of discovery, imbued sunny, halcyon hours of delight,
Like the secret thrill of watching flocks of redbirds, rising up to golden flight.

My friends lolled on the lawn, in balmy, brighter days of spring and summer,


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Puppy Dog Eyes
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I worked at a boisterous animal shelter, which wasn't too far from my home,
That filled days with barks, meows and singing, like green wilderness zones.

I loved working with the various animals, and wished they could all be mine;
Just as stars collect celestial beauties, anytime favorable conditions combine.

Yet, I still enjoyed watching the animals, going off to the new, loving abodes,
Meowing happily and tails wagging, and setting out upon life's various roads.

Mine was a family of animal lovers, as they'd always been a part of our lives;


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Friend left behind....
by Aryan Bhardwaj

Once, I was passing by
an old post office about to die
and saw a dog who was shy

the dog made a very appealing cry,
from his little black glowing eyes

It was such a strange feeling...
was happy to have a friend like him
but sad for the person who left him


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My New Home On Chestnut Street
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

My name is Roscoe...
This is my very own poem...
I recently moved to Chestnut Street...
To my very own new home...

I belong to Josie and Henry...
They’ve moved here with me, too...
We’re excited about our new home...
It has two patios, who the heck knew...


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by M H

Found out my dog can’t get the surgery he needs because of a worsening heart condition. Going forwards, it’s just about making him comfortable until the end, which the vet said could be 3 weeks to a year. My work is having a zoom party and we are supposed to show the thing we most value and explain why. It’s obviously going to be my dog and this is the poem I wrote (first ever written).

At first it was hard,
To have much regard,
For the pile of hair,
That shook in despair.

Pitiful thing,
His eyes in full swing,
From left to right,


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