Birds Poems

Popular Birds Poems
The Blue-bird
by Alexander Wilson

WHEN winter's cold tempests and snows are no more,
Green meadows and brown-furrowed fields reappearing,
The fishermen hauling their shad to the shore,
And cloud-cleaving geese to the Lakes are a-steering;
When first the lone butterfly flits on the wing;
When red glow the maples, so fresh and so pleasing,
Oh then comes the blue-bird, the herald of spring!
And hails with his warblings the charms of the season.

Then loud-piping frogs make the marshes to ring;


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by Leonora Speyer

They dip their wings in the sunset,
They dash against the air
As if to break themselves upon its stillness:
In every movement, too swift to count,
Is a revelry of indecision,
A furtive delight in trees they do not desire
And in grasses that shall not know their weight.

They hover and lean toward the meadow
With little edged cries;


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Hummingbird Motion
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

whisperings of wings
deep drone of summer's old gold
red rose drips petals

only time will tell
of the countless jeweled birds
summoned by the blooms

fanning the breezes
'til the last of orange sun


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Bye Bye Birdie
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

It was late in the perpetual summer, and I had been dozing,
On a blue and balmy afternoon, as I lulled on my porch swing.

When from my pleasurable dreams, I was eventually aroused,
By sweet breezes that blew past, the place where I drowsed.

With a sigh of contentment, I enjoyed the charming scenery,
Of sun drenched butterflies, going by the blooms and greenery.

Such clusters of bright flowers, left their mark upon the day,


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Mysteriously She Moves
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

in sun drenched noon lost in light
smiling gently to herself
she is on the path of pinks
with their clove like scent

tanagers and scarlet birds
come to the midday calling
but she is off to somewhere
flowers in her hand

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Recent Birds Poems
The Maze of Truth
by Lamar Yousif

Hello, I'm aiming to get better at writing poetry. So, I decided the best course of action was to write whatever came to mind to the best of my ability and then get personalized guidance rather than the generic and repetitive "helpful tips" I find on websites. Be as mean and brutal as you see fit, as long as it's honest and helpful. If you can, give me tips on what to name this thing, I think "The Maze of Truth" is a bit bland. Anyway, here it is:

The Maze of Truth

We all jump often, and leaves glide down, but birds are the ones with flight

Humans try so hard to dream away,

As from reality, we all try to flee.


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Mirabilis jalapa
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

All the hot summer days I am found, sleeping late in my bed,
Dreaming of dusk and getting beauty rest, before sunset red;
For I'm an opal night owl, my scent blooms open all night long.
I am called Mirabilis jalapa, or four o'clocks, adoring birdsong.
I am yellow and deep pink stripes, beloved by hummingbirds,
And grape sun butterflies, when time seems to go backwards.
I keep a daily appointment with destiny, at about four o'clock,
As I love pearly moon more than sun, when dancing in my frock!

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Dancing With Daisies
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

whirling in daisies
multicolored blooms in hair
summertime affair

Caressing petals
Light steps frolic in beauty
as breezes chase blooms.
Raspberry days so fruity
Clouds stand still for yellow sheen.


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the fair den o' alyth
by J. Burgess

plant me somewhere nice,
somewhere up the fair den o’ alyth
next to a pine tree or hanging willow
just plant me somewhere nice!

i’ll absorb and swallow
through my eyes and mouth
i’ll spring out soil -
pleading out my hands
touching the sky.


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Fly November, Fly
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

fly away
Southbound birds too
Lovely November
of lonely skies
pink clouds glide
Sun sinks

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Popular Poets about Birds From Members
  • J. Burgess
    J. Burgess (1 poems about Birds)
    August 16, 1999 - Dundonald, Belfast
  • Lamar Yousif
    Lamar Yousif (1 poem about Birds)
    January 24, 2004 - Khartoum, Sudan