Understanding Poems

Popular Understanding Poems
by Sihle Mjobo

Birth, life and death
The knowledge of this earth
Neither before nor after present
Following their select ascent

Part pursuing purpose
As sole intent
Part pursuing pleasure
Till life is spent


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by gabriella Blake

I wonder, were you it? Will anyone ever love me the way you loved me, or were you it? Will anyone ever lose sleep thinking about me, pining over me the way you did, or were you it? I think you were it. I can’t sleep because I think you were it. Because now there is nothing. It’s done. And I will never again be loved so deeply. And I will never again be wanted so deeply. And I will never again be the reason he can’t sleep. How could you have ever loved me. There is nothing here deserving of love. How did you see this mess as something worth loving. Will anyone else see me the way you did. Please tell me you weren’t it. Please tell me you were only the beginning. tell me there is more.

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by gabriella Blake

Cute. Thats all I ever was to you. Take away my passion, take away my wit, my curiosity, my intelligence, my determination, my power. Take away everything. Then sure, cute is just fine.

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The Maze of Truth
by Lamar Yousif

Hello, I'm aiming to get better at writing poetry. So, I decided the best course of action was to write whatever came to mind to the best of my ability and then get personalized guidance rather than the generic and repetitive "helpful tips" I find on websites. Be as mean and brutal as you see fit, as long as it's honest and helpful. If you can, give me tips on what to name this thing, I think "The Maze of Truth" is a bit bland. Anyway, here it is:

The Maze of Truth

We all jump often, and leaves glide down, but birds are the ones with flight

Humans try so hard to dream away,

As from reality, we all try to flee.


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by Michael R. Burch

These are poems about the homeless and the downtrodden, and poems about the need for compassion, kindness, understanding and tolerance.

by Michael R. Burch

What good are your tears?
They will not spare the dying their anguish.
What good is your concern
to a child sick of living, waiting to perish?


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Recent Understanding Poems
Said She
by Schafer Bailey

Calloused hands and bruised knuckles
rolled loose leaf tobacco in rice paper
The Sun loving me in the only way it knew how
with violent kisses leaving spots against my skin
Arms wrapped around me in autumn afternoons
words spoken with so much weight
they required delicate whispers
of promises made in the past humidity of summer
"Nothing can wreck our boat" said she


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The Maze of Truth
by Lamar Yousif

Hello, I'm aiming to get better at writing poetry. So, I decided the best course of action was to write whatever came to mind to the best of my ability and then get personalized guidance rather than the generic and repetitive "helpful tips" I find on websites. Be as mean and brutal as you see fit, as long as it's honest and helpful. If you can, give me tips on what to name this thing, I think "The Maze of Truth" is a bit bland. Anyway, here it is:

The Maze of Truth

We all jump often, and leaves glide down, but birds are the ones with flight

Humans try so hard to dream away,

As from reality, we all try to flee.


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by Michael R. Burch

These are poems about the homeless and the downtrodden, and poems about the need for compassion, kindness, understanding and tolerance.

by Michael R. Burch

What good are your tears?
They will not spare the dying their anguish.
What good is your concern
to a child sick of living, waiting to perish?


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Between Mind & Eyes
by Jeff Bresee

How vast is the reach of the universe wide?
How great be the distance between mind and eyes?
How far in both ways does the length of time go?
What distance exists between God and each soul?

Illusive the answer to each of these be.
Perspective controls how we think, what we see,
how we judge and interpret the concepts at hand,
the things we consider and just where we stand.


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Nurturing Love Through Life's Challenges
by Lukman Nurudeen Adeniyi

Amidst love's journey, conflicts always arise.
Tackling trials, growth coherently becomes evident.
Within struggles, our radiance shines through.

Through understanding, we live with ease.
We mend; wounds heal, strength apparent.
A journey together, imperfect yet true.

With benevolent words and no malice,
And an act of forgiveness inherent,


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