Sympathy Poems

Popular Sympathy Poems
Book Of Suleika - Suleika 04
by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

WITH what inward joy, sweet lay,

I thy meaning have descried!
Lovingly thou seem'st to say

That I'm ever by his side;

That he ever thinks of me,

That he to the absent gives


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At An Inn
by Thomas Hardy

WHEN we as strangers sought
Their catering care,
Veiled smiles bespoke their thought
Of what we were.
They warmed as they opined
Us more than friends--
That we had all resigned
For love's dear ends.

And that swift sympathy


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A Hymn In Honour Of Beauty
by Edmund Spenser

Ah whither, Love, wilt thou now carry me?
What wontless fury dost thou now inspire
Into my feeble breast, too full of thee?
Whilst seeking to aslake thy raging fire,
Thou in me kindlest much more great desire,
And up aloft above my strength dost raise
The wondrous matter of my fire to praise.

That as I erst in praise of thine own name,
So now in honour of thy mother dear,


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by Dorothy Parker

They hurried here, as soon as you had died,
Their faces damp with haste and sympathy,
And pressed my hand in theirs, and smoothed my knee,
And clicked their tongues, and watched me, mournful-eyed.
Gently they told me of that Other Side-
How, even then, you waited there for me,
And what ecstatic meeting ours would be.
Moved by the lovely tale, they broke, and cried.

And when I smiled, they told me I was brave,


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An Hymn In Honour Of Beauty
by Edmund Spenser

AH whither, Love, wilt thou now carry me?
What wontless fury dost thou now inspire
Into my feeble breast, too full of thee?
Whilst seeking to aslake thy raging fire,
Thou in me kindlest much more great desire,
And up aloft above my strength dost raise
The wondrous matter of my fire to praise.

That as I erst in praise of thine own name,
So now in honour of thy mother dear,


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Recent Sympathy Poems
Losing a husband
by Sharon Morgan

A hand that is held tight,
a silent kiss
A cup of tea, a hearty meal
Someone to laugh with
and to chatter without breaks

A hug, a squeeze
Before you wake and remember
that you were dreaming of what was
A smile, a silent glance


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After the funeral
by Sharon Morgan

After the aroma of the floral displays of the day
The seamless trail of cars in tow
Accompanying the shiny black hearse
Which proudly transported
An honoured guest
In a coffin that was like no other

Preceding an entourage of fellow mourners,
Tissues wiping tears from sullen faces,
A glimpse caught through the reflection


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To A Silent Friend
by Otha Gwabe

I see you
I hear you
But no voice is heard
We speak but not with words
Every movement has meaning
A blink, twitch or crack of a knuckle
All can be read from a code unsaid
They look at us like we're crazy
But all we're doing is speaking
Speaking in silence.


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Blooming Beauty
by Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar

Almost withered, the lean, leafless flower
Smiles in half of twigless green
Like an aged woman
Banished from the heaven of beauty--

Smiling as a gesture to shower, in vain,
The sprinkles of youthfulness of expired skin,
Rusting in ageing bony pits
As if left in lurch like an exploded balloon!


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I Sing The Body Electric
by Walt Whitman

I SING the Body electric;
The armies of those I love engirth me, and I engirth them;
They will not let me off till I go with them, respond to them,
And discorrupt them, and charge them full with the charge of the

Was it doubted that those who corrupt their own bodies conceal
And if those who defile the living are as bad as they who defile the


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