Soul Poems

Popular Soul Poems
by airatmaninravi AiR

What is the Soul, have you ever thought? 
Or is it a mystery in which you are caught? 
We all have a Soul, we seem to know 
Let's realize the truth before it is time to go

 It is the Soul that makes me live 
But, is it the one that makes me forgive? 
What is the function of the Soul? 
What does it do to make me whole?


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I met a word - Alexis karpouzos
by alexis karpouzos

Last night, in my dream,
while i wandering in the wild lands
and crossing silent shadows,
i met a word and ask:
''What's your name?
''My name is love
and i'm alone in life,
i need you,
otherwise will be lost the dream''.
I answered: ''We need you too,


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My Soul's Quest
by Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar

My soul yearns to demystify
The intricate cosmic expanse
Measuring its length and breadth
Resting on the horizontal
And the vertical stands
Of the vast sprawling space
Of the mammoth world.

My parched tongue hankers
After tasting sweet drops of water


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by Michael R. Burch

These are poems about relationships, including poems about mothers and their children, and poems for mothers and their children: i.e., the closest relationships of all. Also, poems about children and poems for children.

by Michael R. Burch

Have you tasted the bitterness of tears of despair?
Have you watched the sun sink through such pale, balmless air
that your soul sought its shell like a crab on a beach,
then scuttled inside to be safe, out of reach?


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Is it the darkness of my soul
by Tammy Darby

That frightens you away
Or the words bleeding down my face
That love bound cannot say

The crying in my soul
Only goodness hear
The harsh beating of my heart
Crimson flames
Forcing you oh so near


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Recent Soul Poems
Soul bride
by Sonja D.

People surround me without seeing my
Lips throbbing with kisses
Throat chocking with words
Arms brimming with hugs.

People speaking to me without hearing your
Voice’s silent whispers
Loudest echos in my head
Asking for my hand.


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by Michael R. Burch

These are poems about relationships, including poems about mothers and their children, and poems for mothers and their children: i.e., the closest relationships of all. Also, poems about children and poems for children.

by Michael R. Burch

Have you tasted the bitterness of tears of despair?
Have you watched the sun sink through such pale, balmless air
that your soul sought its shell like a crab on a beach,
then scuttled inside to be safe, out of reach?


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To my twin flame
by Sonja D.

I know your boundless love
know your gentle heart
your glossiest light
in all shades of dark

I feel your fiery passion
feel your unbending strength
your sweetest pleasures
with tiny specks of pain


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the demise of soul
by samia shuja

Can we erase time? For I miss my soul and heart.

Life feels timid and I wish for my soul to come along, for I wish to bear the pain if not the bliss

how pleasant it may seem, the demise of pain, though it's not when the numbness follows

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Words In Life
by Ayatullah Nurjati

Words have a soul
Some of the words that humans create are nature given by God
The words that are present as a form of revelation through the intermediary of the angel Gabriel to the Prophets are the demands of human life through theHoly Scriptures
The word 'nothing' would probably just be born without an inspiration for humans

Animals also have a word in their life communication
Although only Prophet Suleiman as a human also understands it
All animals also carry out their daily rituals with word instructions strung together
in language
Tweets, roars, crows and all kinds of ways creatures say different meanings, but even so, it is still a mystery that humans have to solve


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