Sex Poems

Popular Sex Poems
Moon Spawn
by Quinn Smorenburg

This heat, confrontational;
chips carried on shoulder.
Never breathe, think,
speak, drink till closer
bringing itself in you.
Addictions begin to
blossom. Whore house
posse; optics lopping.
Spun room; coughing.
Hid moon. Tossing.


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Don't tell me you love me
by Arvin Dassad

Don't tell me you love me
Don't tell me you like my taste
Not the music
Not the art
Not the lovers in my heart
Can you see the accident?
Not the murder
Not the pain
Just the blood
This silent little mess


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Versace on the Floor. January 21st, 2024.
by Gilligan Snolepart

I want to know the salty smell of your sweat
As my kisses begin their descent between your shoulders

I want to see the apprehension of judgement fade from your eyes as your dress slides off
And desire washes self-consciousness away, so much so that you stop caring and just want me to take you

I want to play hide and seek with your lingerie, zip after strap
Until the last hook of your bra surrenders and there’s only skin left

I want to know what your breath sounds like when it gets heavier


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by The Hsenura

What more should I do?
To be twined all time,
Toxic and suicidal,
Never I trimmed to lock
Your scent in my beard.
Still you hurry every time.
What more should I do?
I cut my nails with fear
To never hurt you whilst
My laborious lips fondle.


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by Sophia Brown


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Recent Sex Poems
Moon Spawn
by Quinn Smorenburg

This heat, confrontational;
chips carried on shoulder.
Never breathe, think,
speak, drink till closer
bringing itself in you.
Addictions begin to
blossom. Whore house
posse; optics lopping.
Spun room; coughing.
Hid moon. Tossing.


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Don't tell me you love me
by Arvin Dassad

Don't tell me you love me
Don't tell me you like my taste
Not the music
Not the art
Not the lovers in my heart
Can you see the accident?
Not the murder
Not the pain
Just the blood
This silent little mess


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Kermit and Elmo are gay lovers, and they get into a life of crime.
by Civl 12346

They used to boink ‘till she oink.
Now she wanna divorce;
Steal all the money from his bank,
And saddle up a different horse.
Kermit starin’ down a pistol point
Blank, head empty, sit and think.
His heart sank.
He just wants a baddie with which to get jiggy.
He don’t want no Pay Piggy.


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That First Encounter
by Haych Nano

I feel my heart beating fast
me and my love alone at last.
we slowly climbed onto the bed
I can't repeat the words i said.
she grabbed my hand to pull me near
a simple whisper in my ear.
I placed a kiss upon her lips
as both her hands clench my hips.
down my sides run her finger nails
she knows full well, it never fails.


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Versace on the Floor. January 21st, 2024.
by Gilligan Snolepart

I want to know the salty smell of your sweat
As my kisses begin their descent between your shoulders

I want to see the apprehension of judgement fade from your eyes as your dress slides off
And desire washes self-consciousness away, so much so that you stop caring and just want me to take you

I want to play hide and seek with your lingerie, zip after strap
Until the last hook of your bra surrenders and there’s only skin left

I want to know what your breath sounds like when it gets heavier


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