These are the best erotic poems and erotic translations of Michael R. Burch. Most of these poems are naughty or risqué rather than graphic. Erotic poems come in all shapes, sizes and forms: haiku, tanka, epigrams, couplets, limericks, sonnets, rondels, roundels, villanelles, free verse, etc. There is also a collection of humorous erotic poems at the bottom of this page.
I found the Goddess in your body's curves and crevasses.—attributed to Sappho, translation by Michael R. Burch
Sappho, fragment 42
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
She loved me from dawn until when it was time to leave
Before that, just another first date
Strangers of Saturday
Morning match and texting
Always the same
"Any plans for the weekend?""
"Not much. You?"
Number swap and location share
the next time you see him
you will look as if there is a splendid sun
burning under your skin.
you will smoulder
like the goddesses that came before you.
you will not be cold
or vengeful
or bitter or weak.
your laugh will sound like rain on the window pain
your words will be soft
I want to know the salty smell of your sweat
As my kisses begin their descent between your shoulders
I want to see the apprehension of judgement fade from your eyes as your dress slides off
And desire washes self-consciousness away, so much so that you stop caring and just want me to take you
I want to play hide and seek with your lingerie, zip after strap
Until the last hook of your bra surrenders and there’s only skin left
I want to know what your breath sounds like when it gets heavier
She draped herself in the six yards of wild black with a pinch of maroon, my longings trembled as the passionate yellow touched her ivory shoulders
She carries the nectar in her smiles as her forehead's red bindi splashes colour in my mind
She dresses herself with wild orchids and perfumes me with her fragrant oxters
She swirls left and right to see her reflection in my eyes while my convex desires stroll through her perfection
Her mounds of pleasure snug in place as kisses danced across her bare shoulders – she whispers the ballad of fantasies and awaits their convergence
Sandals with ankle straps accentuating the beautiful length of elegance
The imagination danced just above her saree’s hem, magnificently it outlines her derriere, mischievously
Her dark eyes clouded with desire as my rough hands seek ways of pleasuring her needs
Our wants, eager tearing of her yellow flames revealing excited femininity as her quivering lips frizzed with a hint of unknown as my hands moved roughly
She stood against the wall observing my lustful eyes delicately devour her every curve, tracing fingers beneath the six yards
These are the best erotic poems and erotic translations of Michael R. Burch. Most of these poems are naughty or risqué rather than graphic. Erotic poems come in all shapes, sizes and forms: haiku, tanka, epigrams, couplets, limericks, sonnets, rondels, roundels, villanelles, free verse, etc. There is also a collection of humorous erotic poems at the bottom of this page.
I found the Goddess in your body's curves and crevasses.—attributed to Sappho, translation by Michael R. Burch
Sappho, fragment 42
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch
She loved me from dawn until when it was time to leave
Before that, just another first date
Strangers of Saturday
Morning match and texting
Always the same
"Any plans for the weekend?""
"Not much. You?"
Number swap and location share
the next time you see him
you will look as if there is a splendid sun
burning under your skin.
you will smoulder
like the goddesses that came before you.
you will not be cold
or vengeful
or bitter or weak.
your laugh will sound like rain on the window pain
your words will be soft
This heat, confrontational;
chips carried on shoulder.
Never breathe, think,
speak, drink till closer
bringing itself in you.
Addictions begin to
blossom. Whore house
posse; optics lopping.
Spun room; coughing.
Hid moon. Tossing.
Don't tell me you love me
Don't tell me you like my taste
Not the music
Not the art
Not the lovers in my heart
Can you see the accident?
Not the murder
Not the pain
Just the blood
This silent little mess