futile infinity, entropic, crawls down my wretched throat,
the hymns of the choir have soured and I am utterly alone,
the crucifix that once seared my skin lies in the ashes of my home,
the lord's altar has scorned me, I stand among his disciples and I am alone.
oh, lord, why hast thou forsaken me in my darkest hour?
is it mercy or grace you lack, because they assure me of your power,
I peel the rotting bandages from my ravaged wrists,
I was never as broken as when they finally called me fixed.
Here lies self.wav,
Whose death ripples through domains.
Having fallen victim to bugs before
The antivirus firewall free trial ended.
Only the good ctrl/alt/delete young.
*file type not supported*
Here lies self.jpeg,
An image edited many times over.
Every morning, I leave no trace,
And you'd never see past the smile on my face.
You might have asked, and I might have lied,
Truthfully, these are the marks of an angel longing her return to the sky.
Every evening, I argue with the mirror,
Wondering if I should shower right after dinner.
The glass of water in my room becomes all too tempting,
And now I'm caught in a vicious cycle, addicted to feeling empty.
You said we crawled up out of the darkness
You label us with murderers and rapists
You cry "heathens" with pointing fingers,
Claim us as children of "Him"
You say our work is wicked work
Our bodies are not our own
And we mutilated something great
And stole from the Greatest
I find skipping efficient, but I'm not talking about child's play.
The flavor looks bittersweet, yet I've tasted little in days.
Feeling light as a feather, but breeding worthwhile repercussions,
It takes perilous dedication to conceal the pain of perpetual hunger.
I find masks protective, but I'm not talking about immunity.
It lies at my bedside, recharging each night, telling others I'm doing all right in the daytime.
Isolation is serene, but I suffocate in contemplation.
I have yet to find even one who makes me fancy veracious authentication.
I find skipping efficient, but I'm not talking about child's play.
The flavor looks bittersweet, yet I've tasted little in days.
Feeling light as a feather, but breeding worthwhile repercussions,
It takes perilous dedication to conceal the pain of perpetual hunger.
I find masks protective, but I'm not talking about immunity.
It lies at my bedside, recharging each night, telling others I'm doing all right in the daytime.
Isolation is serene, but I suffocate in contemplation.
I have yet to find even one who makes me fancy veracious authentication.
Every morning, I leave no trace,
And you'd never see past the smile on my face.
You might have asked, and I might have lied,
Truthfully, these are the marks of an angel longing her return to the sky.
Every evening, I argue with the mirror,
Wondering if I should shower right after dinner.
The glass of water in my room becomes all too tempting,
And now I'm caught in a vicious cycle, addicted to feeling empty.
futile infinity, entropic, crawls down my wretched throat,
the hymns of the choir have soured and I am utterly alone,
the crucifix that once seared my skin lies in the ashes of my home,
the lord's altar has scorned me, I stand among his disciples and I am alone.
oh, lord, why hast thou forsaken me in my darkest hour?
is it mercy or grace you lack, because they assure me of your power,
I peel the rotting bandages from my ravaged wrists,
I was never as broken as when they finally called me fixed.
Here lies self.wav,
Whose death ripples through domains.
Having fallen victim to bugs before
The antivirus firewall free trial ended.
Only the good ctrl/alt/delete young.
*file type not supported*
Here lies self.jpeg,
An image edited many times over.
You said we crawled up out of the darkness
You label us with murderers and rapists
You cry "heathens" with pointing fingers,
Claim us as children of "Him"
You say our work is wicked work
Our bodies are not our own
And we mutilated something great
And stole from the Greatest