Revenge Poems

Popular Revenge Poems
A thousands ways to kill one cat
by Rukudzo Kachambgwa

I've finally caught up with the cat
which has been terrorising my chicken coop.
That little black witch of a cat-
lays motionless in the sack in which I have it bound.
I'm watching it like God,
My eyes are every where
Counting the number of fallen chicks
all the pieces of drumsticks layn to waste.
I shall boil the cat in hot cooking oil and then leave it for the vultures to finish off.
No, that would be much too expensive.


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by Frangipani Retrograde

Let's face it you're real bad at being good boy
Carried me over the broomstick and flew away that night
I've brought you back in virtual reality, an original copy
And I'm having a hard time acting naturally

I'll watch you grow smaller by the minute
When you realize you have one choice
You're living in an oxymoron
But I've got loyal opposition
And we're the living dead


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I Brought You Death
by Tammy Darby

Without conscience, you destroyed my life
In fair trade
I brought you death
The ghosts of fear, paranoia, cold chaos and loss of breath.

From my mouth flew the chill of darkness
Words of the dreaded coming I spoke
Tales of the whispered nevermore
Brought forth from tear-spattered pages
From a heart rendered glacial and forever torn


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You Ruined My Birthday
by Randy Johnson

A man's birthday only comes around once a year.
You wanted revenge because I drank your last beer.
You decided to get even by ruining my birthday.
You got even by giving me the new Doctor Who on Blu-ray.

You know that I hate the new Doctor Who, I think it's a piece of crap.
Now you've started crying like a two year old because I gave you a slap.
I loathe the new Doctor Who TV Show and I let everybody know about it.
You bought me a piece of crap for my birthday and it's making me throw a fit.


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guess we're both crazy after all
by Bogdan Dragos

"It's not that it was the worst
but it was very bad," the old
man said.
"I wasn't hanging but the noose
was so thick around my frail neck.
I was nine. And the
forest was
And holding me, they made my


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Recent Revenge Poems
by Frangipani Retrograde

Let's face it you're real bad at being good boy
Carried me over the broomstick and flew away that night
I've brought you back in virtual reality, an original copy
And I'm having a hard time acting naturally

I'll watch you grow smaller by the minute
When you realize you have one choice
You're living in an oxymoron
But I've got loyal opposition
And we're the living dead


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A moment of introspection - in Trump's own words
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

This time I blew it, I really blew it
First lost us the House, now the Senate’s gone too,
I'm caught in a spiral, that I'll admit,
Not sure where to turn, not sure what to do.

I'm convinced I was cheated,
The election was mine,
I was sorely mistreated
They'll see that in time.


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The Beauty Of Time
by Max Kwoa

Brewing tea, shadowed by the trust in our faith,
bruised from your fist, beware the bite of my wraith.

(from Kwoa's ~naive~ World Trip

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guess we're both crazy after all
by Bogdan Dragos

"It's not that it was the worst
but it was very bad," the old
man said.
"I wasn't hanging but the noose
was so thick around my frail neck.
I was nine. And the
forest was
And holding me, they made my


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smart dead man
by Bogdan Dragos

In the afterlife the creatures that
gathered around him
asked, “Why did you do it? Why
did you jump in
front of that train?”

He shrugged. “Life wasn’t
worth living anymore. And I wanted


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