Pride Poems

Popular Pride Poems
I Am
by Ella Wheeler Wilcox

I know not whence I came,
I know not whither I go;
But the fact stands clear that I am here
In this world of pleasure and woe.
And out of the mist and the murk
Another truth shines plain –
It is my power each day and hour
To add to its joy or its pain.


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by George Gordon Byron




The Serfs are glad through Lara's wide domain,
And slavery half forgets her feudal chain;
He, their unhoped, but unforgotten lord —
The long self-exiled chieftain is restored:


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by Dylan Thomas

Too proud to die; broken and blind he died
The darkest way, and did not turn away,
A cold kind man brave in his narrow pride

On that darkest day, Oh, forever may
He lie lightly, at last, on the last, crossed
Hill, under the grass, in love, and there grow

Young among the long flocks, and never lie lost
Or still all the numberless days of his death, though


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by Augusta Davies Webster

The sun drops luridly into the west;
darkness has raised her arms to draw him down
before the time, not waiting as of wont
till he has come to her behind the sea;
and the smooth waves grow sullen in the gloom
and wear their threatening purple; more and more
the plain of waters sways and seems to rise
convexly from its level of the shores;
and low dull thunder rolls along the beach:
there will be storm at last, storm, glorious storm.


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by William Butler Yeats

NOR dread nor hope attend
A dying animal;
A man awaits his end
Dreading and hoping all;
Many times he died,
Many times rose again.
A great man in his pride
Confronting murderous men
Casts derision upon
Supersession of breath;


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Recent Pride Poems
The Boxer - in Trumps own words
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

I play by the rules day in and day out,
Showing my class, wielding my clout.
I take the hard blows time and again,
Knowing my patience shan't be in vain.

Joe's on the ropes, all by himself,
Waiting around to be dumped on the shelf,
Restraint is my friend, as I pull back and watch,
Those flailing wild jabs I so easily dodge.


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Bidens Quandary
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

Mumbling, stumbling, inaudible rambling,
The pity, the pain all but Biden now feel,
A spent man bereft, resorting to grumbling,
The fishing line out for opponents to reel.

How did we now reach this insufferable place,
Where a once wily Joe spun his fine web,
Enticing, enveloping with street gotten grace,
His mock Irish banter making folks fall in step.


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A Woman Is More Beautiful
by Hébert Logerie

A woman is more beautiful than a flower
A female has style, charisma and power
Beautiful eyes
Beautiful nose
Beautiful thighs
Beautiful toes
A woman smiles
A woman laughs
A woman cries
Walks, dances and sighs


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The Stooge and the Vixen in Trumps own words
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

Bragg's just an ass, a poor leftist stooge
Bought for in full by the Soros machine,
Why target me when he knows he will loose
His obvious intentions malicious and mean.

As to that Stormy, a vixen indeed,
She's now named me ‘Tiny’ can't clearly be true,
Her one claim to fame fueled by greed
The day I first met her is the day I now rue.


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Howrah Bridge
by Bhaskaranand Jha Bhaskar

They built me with their sweats
And enslaved blood
As a high mark of their might
Wearing the chest of Calcuttan culture.
Since then I have been standing strong
On my plastered feet
Like the two mammoth poles bound together
Yet as different as East and West.

Bridging the gulf between the people,


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