Prayer Poems

Popular Prayer Poems
In My Beautiful Balloon
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

With summer nearly gone, we all wanted to do something special,
And decided it should be daring, rather than the usual and dull.

So, we listed the things we desired to do, but hadn't yet tried,
And we finally settled upon, a thrilling hot air balloon ride!

We thought we'd choose the one, that offered the best scenery,
So we could look down upon birds, mountains and fair greenery.

Like the airliner looks down, from past pink cottony clouds,


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Dear God
by Lukman Abdulwasiu

Blasphemy I wish not speak
True I want to be told so to speak
Blind folded am I like everyone else
Myopic underneath dark veils of life
Unanswered questions bugging like flies
Oh why do we lose control?
Or perhaps why aren't we in control
Even when we try to set things right
Might turn left or maybe right
Even when we try to set things straight


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by Tom Lathara

The shadows lingered,
He knelt, arms out, palms upwards,
his unshaved face earnest
In deep anguish, eyes welling up.

As if pulled by unseen strands,
He gently bent to the ground,
Outstretched hands, palms touching the grass,
His forehead kissing the soft earth


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Crni Veo
by Nastasimir Franović

Svijeća pred ikonom uvija plamen.
Sklopljene male drhtave ruke i kose pramen.
Srebrno raspeće na kraju niza.
Svjetlost skoro utihla na vratima iza.

U ovoj kući stanuje bog.
Izvor je vjere i nadanja tvog.
Odsjaj plamena svijeće na licu je tvom.
Hrani se duša tvoja molitvom.


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A Prayer
by Nicholas Breton

Oh, with thy grace my heart inspire,
To bring forth fruites of thy desire.
Give me thy Peters penitence,
Paul's faith, and Job his patience,
And Marie's grace, and John his loue,
That in my heart I may approue.
When all these graces meete in mee,
What ioy my soule shall have in thee:
But oh, my God ! my heart cloth ake,
My soule with trembling fear doth quake,


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Recent Prayer Poems
The Prayer of a Common Man
by Peter Dr Lim

The Prayer of a Common Man

Grant me freedom
not wisdom

Grant me peace
and its every ease

Grant me the state
of unfailing faith


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by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I was an inscrutable, capricious mystery writer, like a pure mystery of days;
And I had composed best selling novels, like westering sun's scarlet phase.

An unparalleled passion for writing, had for quite long been the motivation,
Behind novels which captured hearts, like pink clouds, drifting in formation.

My office desk faced the picture window, near the border of riotous blooms;
And sunny views enriched often eager eyes, owing to birds of many plumes.

Friends were a forever force in my life, like the natural floods of floundering,


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A Prayer To The Goddess, Ganga
by Pijush Biswas

O Ganga, who doth not take pride in thy arms
The earthly life, scornful, is always proud of thy touch
O Ganga, who doth not take pride in thy divine alms
O thou, let the life be full of joy and happiness much.
Thou, look into our eyes; somewhere thou must be.

Now, our lives today are so uplifted anew by thy privacy
Or, into the core of our lives we seek thy eternity,
Open eyed, to manure lives, or to be heir to thy legacy.
Let us seek beauty in thee, O! let us be free from obscurity.


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Mission Accomplished
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I was a skilled, dedicated CIA agent, helping to preserve national security,
By searching for and garnering information, as silvery rain ensures purity.

Days were spent perusing foreign material, or viewing international news,
Like walking a maze of crooked, green paths, in a pair of fancy red shoes.

I wrote reports detailing these findings, to share with wise national leaders,
As giddy news of mint spring, is spread by plumed, cherry blossom tweeters.

On fine, fevered days of flurried joys, friends and I joked as in young days,


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Dear God
by Lukman Abdulwasiu

Blasphemy I wish not speak
True I want to be told so to speak
Blind folded am I like everyone else
Myopic underneath dark veils of life
Unanswered questions bugging like flies
Oh why do we lose control?
Or perhaps why aren't we in control
Even when we try to set things right
Might turn left or maybe right
Even when we try to set things straight


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