Politics Poems

Popular Politics Poems
Let them Wonder - in Kamala's own words
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

I am Indian by birthright,
Simply black when it feels right,
A gender champion through and through,
A Southern Belle from the Bayou.

I cover all the bases from Gay rights to MeToo,
Environmental warriors – I’ll always stand with you.
Black lives truly matter, the Homeless my pet task,
All you need is Me, you don’t even need to ask.


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The Coronation of Trump
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

A coronation, watched by our entire great nation,
Some with trepidation, others boisterous jubilation.
Trump feted, his fawning family silhouetted,
Basking in his light, his confidence and might.

This Grand Old Party, it's followers vociferous and hearty,
Anointing their chosen man, to rule their ever-growing clan;
No harm to love a cause, giving thought and sometimes pause,
To what this passion brings, the words the siren sings.


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Climate Activists
by Ian McCleary

When Climate Activists defaced Van Gogh paintings, I was wishing it were artists who were the masterminds behind it in protest of the Museums.
I was hoping that a group of enlightened artists would band together and take back the statues and artifacts of ancient antiquity
Sending them to their rightful owners. The poet
Byron would have fought to keep these World Treasures where they belonged.
The Elgin Marbles as they were called belonged to the Greeks and not to the British Empire.
This is what I would have preferred to have seen, then the fracas created by the disciples of Greta.

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Funeral Songs for the Generals
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Drums for us, the wasted Masters
Catafalques for them, covetous Generals.

How far have they gone in wasting us,
In ruining our harvests —
Bloodsucking Generals with shrivelled scrotums?

Crowned predators.
Embellished idiots.
Distinguished poachers —


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No Rat Is Indeed Above The Law
by Hébert Logerie

No rat is indeed above the law
Justice must be blind, fair, equal and raw
For all, in a democratic society
We are angry and fed-up with the glaring hypocrisy
Where the poor are treated wrongfully or unfairly
And the rich get away absolutely scot-free
With heinous crimes, with murder and theft
Many innocent people are put to death
In arbitrary, prejudicial and unusual fashion
And the red-handed culprits are, in their mansion


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Recent Politics Poems
Ambition - in Kamalas own words
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

What if I can see it, smell it, almost touch it,
That gilded throne where I will proudly sit,
Would people think me mad,
Is my ambition so preposterous and bad.

And why not me, have I not earned this crown,
Someone not worthy of that queenly gown,
Bejeweled and composed for all to see,
My vassals all around, bowing deep to me.


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Let them Wonder - in Kamala's own words
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

I am Indian by birthright,
Simply black when it feels right,
A gender champion through and through,
A Southern Belle from the Bayou.

I cover all the bases from Gay rights to MeToo,
Environmental warriors – I’ll always stand with you.
Black lives truly matter, the Homeless my pet task,
All you need is Me, you don’t even need to ask.


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The Coronation of Trump
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

A coronation, watched by our entire great nation,
Some with trepidation, others boisterous jubilation.
Trump feted, his fawning family silhouetted,
Basking in his light, his confidence and might.

This Grand Old Party, it's followers vociferous and hearty,
Anointing their chosen man, to rule their ever-growing clan;
No harm to love a cause, giving thought and sometimes pause,
To what this passion brings, the words the siren sings.


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The Boxer - in Trumps own words
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

I play by the rules day in and day out,
Showing my class, wielding my clout.
I take the hard blows time and again,
Knowing my patience shan't be in vain.

Joe's on the ropes, all by himself,
Waiting around to be dumped on the shelf,
Restraint is my friend, as I pull back and watch,
Those flailing wild jabs I so easily dodge.


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Bidens Quandary
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

Mumbling, stumbling, inaudible rambling,
The pity, the pain all but Biden now feel,
A spent man bereft, resorting to grumbling,
The fishing line out for opponents to reel.

How did we now reach this insufferable place,
Where a once wily Joe spun his fine web,
Enticing, enveloping with street gotten grace,
His mock Irish banter making folks fall in step.


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