Poet Poems

Popular Poet Poems
why do you seek the living among the dead?
by Bogdan Dragos

The old lady kept coming by
the hospital to assure the medics that it'll be

"He's a true fighter," she said. "I know he'll make it.
He has won the battle with drugs
twice in the past. He'll make it this time as well. I
know it. I feel it. I believe in him."

"Mam," said the doctor. "We found rusty fragments


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good and bad poetry
by Bogdan Dragos

after you write enough
and try to publish for long enough
you just notice it
There is no such thing as
There's just poetry to which people


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they just knew it
by Bogdan Dragos

the last time they
saw him
was when he told them about
that weird dream
he had
in which wine
poured from the tap in
his kitchen


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just some average guy with an interesting life
by Bogdan Dragos

quite a few times she had to ask
him why he was
so shy

He thought it was just
normal to be
shy on a first date
no matter how many other dates you've
been on with other girls


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writing setup
by Bogdan Dragos

the screen
the keyboard
the small room
the closed door
locked door
closed window
blinders keeping
the sun away
a chair
an empty stomach


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Recent Poet Poems
The Banishment of the Poet
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Alien interpreters with long, grey beards
predicted the astonishments of the heavens.
Swallows migrate southwards
to the trial precincts of committed
visionaries – they swore dinosaurs
were here once.
A star shoots the length of
night sky in one long-tailed, silent trumpet of message.
Within eons of a blazing, returning
comet and epochs of swollen annihilations,


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Anne and Leonard
by Lee-Ann Azzopardi

I told he will
So, don't worry, Anne, he will greet you
With a rose and open arms
He will serende you with words of love
With his deep voice and looks
You both will have a chat with cigarettes and wine
His soft sad eyes will bring yr heart closer to his
As he would write poetry, and you dance
He'll be there in a pin-striped suit and a fedora
Waiting for yr hand


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A Poet - 07
by Subhas Chandra Chakra

One day I met-
A very awesome poet,

Sharp in mind,
Young at heart,

Sound in health,
Round in wealth,

Handsome in his looks,


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A Poet - 06
by Subhas Chandra Chakra

A poet is but

A God in disguise,
Who creates -

Worlds new and alive
Without borders,

States alien and neighbouring
Without wars,


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A Poet - 05
by Subhas Chandra Chakra

A poet
Is someone who
Lives in the mortal world
But loves the immortals,

A poet
Is someone who
Lives in whirlpools of Intolerances
But loves to understand,


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