Poet Poems

Popular Poet Poems
Never Old
by Yayu Uppsurya

Brains are rotting, limbs are toast,
Every day flatlining, in a sleepy ghost.
That buzz, can't chase the stars' robust,
Turn to sunset blaze, the finest, no boast,
Glance back in a flash-
You' re just twenty, no time to lost.

How you even old, can' t outpace the bed?
Always caving in, just 'yeah' is what you said.
You' re not old at all, got pride, ain' t dead,


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Yayu's AI New Forum
by Yayu Uppsurya

In New Forum, where shutters dam the sun's stream,
A quilt of souls in a chessboard's dream.
A crush of commerce in a serpentine dance,
Where shadows flicker, and silence prances.

Smiths and spinners, a chorus of toil,
Their labor weaves dreams on the loom of will.
Cries of merchants in measured tone,
Echo through arches, time's own drone.


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Yayu's AI Coolblood
by Yayu Uppsurya

In serpentine veins, a slither of glacial ooze,
A venom so cold, it chills the very muse,
It pulses through a chest where once beat fire,
A scorpion's frost, to sear and to inspire.

It nourishes the vulture, wings of night,
A raptor's gaze, a cold and bitter sight,
Its heart a desert, devoid of tender rain,
Yet thirsts for warmth that never comes again.


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Yayu's AI Clear Sky
by Yayu Uppsurya

In the vast expanse where sages dream free,
Lies a realm of serenity, cleared sky.
It's a canvas bare, where the heart can see,
And the mind finds solace, hard to deny.

The clear sky, a purge of the earth's clutter,
A breath of fresh air, a sweep of the hand,
Where chaos is hushed, and disorder is butter,
Smoothed over by the quiet, expansive land.


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Yayu's AI Chestnuts Noodles
by Yayu Uppsurya

Under the autumn canopy, a story unfolds,
Of chestnuts and noodles, some thick and some thin,
With the rustle of leaves, the season's joys are told,
A simple meal where flavors blend in.

Chestnuts, gathered from the ground's amber hue,
Their tough shells give way to the boil and bubble,
In the kitchen, they soften, then glue,
Their richness to the pot, a subtle trouble.


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Recent Poet Poems
Yayu's AI Hospital
by Yayu Uppsurya

In marble halls where hope and dread are knit,
A sanctuary stands, where life's fierce war is fought;
A citadel of balm, with potions lit,
Where pain and panacea in a dance are caught.

The odor of chloride, a bitter bloom,
Hangs in the air, a somber litany;
Chambers resound with the sick's funereal gloom,
Yet in this keep, champions battle silently.


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Yayu's AI Coolblood
by Yayu Uppsurya

In serpentine veins, a slither of glacial ooze,
A venom so cold, it chills the very muse,
It pulses through a chest where once beat fire,
A scorpion's frost, to sear and to inspire.

It nourishes the vulture, wings of night,
A raptor's gaze, a cold and bitter sight,
Its heart a desert, devoid of tender rain,
Yet thirsts for warmth that never comes again.


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Yayu's AI Criticism
by Yayu Uppsurya

In criticism's gaze, a scythe, a sculptor's hand,
It carves the marble of our soul, it maims.
A specter 'mongst the living, stark and grand,
It whispers, "Perfection's breath is but a flame."

The critic stands 'pon pedestal of ice,
With quill a sword, in ink, he draws his blood.
Yet, in this dance of death, what form of vice
Lurks 'neath the veil of words that cut like mud?


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Yayu's AI Chestnuts Noodles
by Yayu Uppsurya

Under the autumn canopy, a story unfolds,
Of chestnuts and noodles, some thick and some thin,
With the rustle of leaves, the season's joys are told,
A simple meal where flavors blend in.

Chestnuts, gathered from the ground's amber hue,
Their tough shells give way to the boil and bubble,
In the kitchen, they soften, then glue,
Their richness to the pot, a subtle trouble.


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Yayu's AI Clear Sky
by Yayu Uppsurya

In the vast expanse where sages dream free,
Lies a realm of serenity, cleared sky.
It's a canvas bare, where the heart can see,
And the mind finds solace, hard to deny.

The clear sky, a purge of the earth's clutter,
A breath of fresh air, a sweep of the hand,
Where chaos is hushed, and disorder is butter,
Smoothed over by the quiet, expansive land.


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