Philosophy Poems

Popular Philosophy Poems
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Buoyed up by the syntheses of the past,
idyllic murals of green hills open paths
to a healing truth.

What say the brown camels of Casablanca
to assassins nursing festered wounds of
new Karma?

Yesteryears recline on the shoulders of
a greying age, chanting songs to a


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by Michael Rufman

The differences that arise between us are based on the Power of Awareness, or as the Greeks used to say - Nus

Moreover, consciousness, in contact with Pneuma, gives birth to Personal Power, transferring it to a new level of existence

Everyone has their own Nus, which means that according to their capabilities, the available chaos is ordered into cosmos

Since the power is personal, it does not exist outside of conscious entities and has the force to change the world accessible to awareness

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by Sihle Mjobo

Birth, life and death
The knowledge of this earth
Neither before nor after present
Following their select ascent

Part pursuing purpose
As sole intent
Part pursuing pleasure
Till life is spent


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by Michael Rufman

How many sages are experts in quantum mechanics

It’s enough just to observe, of course closely, without being distracted

And that’s it - due to my vibrations I will create an event, because quantum entanglement is omnipotent

For me, magic is more likely to help, but there’s no mana, and I don’t know how to find a teacher

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Self-identity is a difficult path
by Michael Rufman

Self-identity is a difficult path, not to crush yourself under the influence of circumstances, customs or opinions of other people is a task that is beyond the strength of many - but it is also the only way to interact with the gods, because Ritual purity is not so easy

There are two Alternatives - either to shy away from any “impurity” and spend life in a refined emptiness, reveling in one’s holiness, or to try to pass through the darkness so as not to become infected by it

After all, the world is not as bright as the adherents of “high spirituality” try to present, but simply a harmonious coexistence of predators, where the only worthy way is to participate to a minimal extent in the general mutual gorging

The great art lies in the ability to find the most subtle limit that one can go through by remaining oneself, because a predator, absorbing someone else's power, also absorbs someone else's individuality and must either spend himself on the development of this power, or lose himself by developing into a totality of his victims

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Recent Philosophy Poems
the creation of „Me“
by Michael Rufman

In each object, one can distinguish its “unchangeable part”, without which it will cease to be itself, and the “variable” part, which is perceived in a certain way only as a result of a relatively arbitrary agreement between perceiving individuals, and the “unchangeable” part of the object is usually called the “matrix” of this subject, the Gnostics called it “logos”, an absolute model, the principle of form (more precisely, a specific embodiment of the logos - an idea, eidos), and the ancient Sumerians called such a matrix “Me”

It was believed that any phenomenon in life or thing corresponds to an idea (or word) that is in the power of the Gods, an object or action acquires significance, and therefore becomes real, only because they are in one way or another involved in transcendental reality, and if “Logos" is understood as the general principle of form, and "Eidos" is the ideal image of a specific thing, then "Me" is a set of internal laws that make an object what it is

A master making a statue of a god had to first imagine in his heart an ideal model of a thing, „Me“, and only then proceed to the material embodiment of his idea, and when the statue was ready, a ritual was performed to separate the masters from their product, and each master had to to say that he did not make this statue, but it was created by the gods in heaven, that is, it was considered the source of existence of each object

Only the creation of „Me“ is creativity in the true and absolute meaning of the word, so we can say that me is a description of the system of relationships between energies in the block that is perceived as an object and this system of relationships in metaphysical space lies immeasurably higher than those phenomena that it connects, because knowledge of „Me“ acquires special significance, since it not only gives power over an object, showing what is essential in it and what is arbitrary, but also sheds light on the essential nature of existence, which means it helps to know “the Gods and the Universe”

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the Will and the environment
by Michael Rufman

The Passive Environment is the totality of all possible potencies; it is different from consciousness in the very way of this generalization of individual potencies, because the Monad, as an aspect of the Absolute, is a potential synthesis that contains everything in Itself; being initially united and homogeneous, it itself generates separate relative aspects through differentiation, self-limitation, affirmation of its self-awareness in some relative plane - a particular embodiment

The cosmic environment, in contrast to consciousness, is not a synthesis, but only a totality; all its individual potencies do not have the activity of manifestation, acting as a passive repository of forms, aspects and tones and giving form to any existence, it freely allows consciousness to draw from its womb those elements of it that it requires, being indifferent to this in its whole

If at the same time the will, consciousness, encounters any difficulties, then this is only a consequence of its own ineffectiveness and inability to remove from the cosmic repository what it needs without affecting or aimlessly disturbing the peace of other things

Thus, the will and the environment are polar to each other - the will without the environment has no field of activity, the environment without the will of the will is deprived of the ability to move

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the Gates of Power
by Michael Rufman

Force flows only where there is a place for it - as soon as there is a place for force, readiness to accept it, as the Force should flow there, and such readiness can be rooted in the deep layers of existence, in the tasks and nodes of the current incarnation, about which consciousness can or not guess at all, or have only a vague idea

In addition, the very moment of the opening of a being for the flow of Power into it always occurs abruptly, and requires some kind of overcoming, a push to open the Gates of Power, and events can give an impetus for the entry of power, looking at them from the outside one cannot convince them of their exceptional significance, but most often after all, this push is given by someone who already has the Force

In this case, the continuity of the flow of power, coming into contact with the continuity of a person’s life and interacting with it, changes the nature of this continuity, merges with it, and the Force treacherously enters a person’s life

If a person with power sees another person ready to accept the Force, he is simply obliged to give a Push, knowing full well that by pushing a person towards the Force, he pushes him to dangers and difficulties that will place a burden of responsibility on himself , as the culprit of this change, but without giving such a push, this person makes a costly mistake, since the Force does not forgive cowardice and indecision

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own Path
by Michael Rufman

Only those who do not want to look for it within themselves look for support outside, because only the heart can tell each person whether he really needs to go where he is going, and it may turn out that even if the rest of the population of the Earth needs to go there, he is the only one whose Path should lie in a different direction

Instead of reasoning based on external phenomena, moving on to searching for internal support, a person takes responsibility for his own Path, stops following other people’s ideas and blaming others for his failures, he becomes what he should be - a Microcosm, a system that finds in itself the meaning and justification of its existence, which, however, does not close in on itself, but chooses free interaction with other similar systems

The Microcosm is similar to the Macrocosm, but only in its tonality, because only the combination of such tonalities creates the symphony of the Universe; only with such a view does the idea of ​​“spiritual growth”, “spiritual hierarchies” and other discriminatory ideas melt away, and the world is perceived as a multi-colored carpet, in which each the thread differs only in the degree of self-awareness, and it was precisely this concept that was developed by the Gnostics and summarized in the idea of ​​​​"Pleroma" - the "inseparable unmerged unity" of souls that have reached the fullness of awareness

Therefore, before you trust logical constructions and beautiful systems, ask your heart - does it want this? And, if it wants, go ahead into the pool, without thinking about the dangers and without being timid, because this is the only way to find yourself

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by Michael Rufman

There are many opinions and definitions of the concept of “game”, for example, any form of activity in which the activity itself is more important than its result, and winning or losing can simply stimulate the process of the game itself, involve in it, but, nevertheless, they play – to play, not to win

However, competition is a mandatory attribute of the game, this is its driving motive, for example, we can say that life is a game with death, since the process itself is valuable, although its outcome is predetermined, which means that the game is the main form of existence of desire, since desire is valuable in itself, and its implementation leads to its disappearance

Just as personality is a form of concrete existence of individuality, a game is a form of concrete manifestation of activity, existence in continuation, because by removing one mask after another, a creature discovers that under all the masks there is only unformed potentiality, emerging from one game after another - it reveals that outside the game there is only the possibility of action, but not the action itself

Each game proceeds according to certain rules. which is a way of behavior that players must observe in order to remain in a given game, which means freedom exists only before entering the game, thus the space of each game is a separate world for which the rules of the game are the laws of its existence

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