Mythology Poems

Popular Mythology Poems
by Sirena V

every day, i'm heading closer;
life forcing me to push my own heavy boulder.
stuck in an endless loop like sisyphus;
feeling tortured on this earthly abyss.

i did not expect for life to be like this.

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by Tammy Darby


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Agua y Rocío
by Aurelia Lucina Wealthberg

Seda y rosas en el camino,
corazón vacío de pena y sentido,
me llevan la corriente y el rocío.

Me voy al mar,
con mis dolores y penas,
con una sonrisa en la cara,
y alegría en la mano,
libre al fin de las esposas del “en vano”.


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1 - persephone
by kat kat

coming of age they say
is a transformation
from a bud to a blossom

but it can also be taken
swallowed by a hole in the ground
and i fell into its depths
to join the land of the dead


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On Perseus and Medusa
by Richard Chenevix Trench

In what fierce spasms upgathered, on the plain
Medusa's headless corpse has quivering sunk,
While all the limbs of that undying trunk
To their extremest joint with torture strain;
But the calm visage has resumed again
Its beauty- the orbed eyelids are let down,
As though a living sleep might once more crown
Their placid circlets, guiltless of all pain.
And thou- is thine the spirit's swift recoil,
Which follows every deed of acted wrath,


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Recent Mythology Poems
by Sirena V

every day, i'm heading closer;
life forcing me to push my own heavy boulder.
stuck in an endless loop like sisyphus;
feeling tortured on this earthly abyss.

i did not expect for life to be like this.

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by Chris Wind

I thought you would’ve learned–
all of you at Los Alamos,
and the rest of you
all over the world.

why was my story saved?
why is it told and retold
if not for that?

do you see in it


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The Greats
by Tyler Morello

All artists strive to be like the Greats.
No shame in vying to be someone's Van Gogh,
Going, going, gone, Homer
with his Odysseys and Iliads
and to all, a million ears lent.
Just as Romans did to Antony in Caesar.
Shakespeare's sonnets sold out theatres,
but I grasp at the same words as he.
I pin them to the walls.
I paint them on the mirror.


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Metamodern Tantalus
by Tyler Morello

"It's alright to feel behind,"
What they told me when they learned
I had never slept with anyone.
"You're not missing out on anything, really.
Not the electric rush of skin on skin,
Not the satisfaction of man's most primal urge,
Certainly not the burning of carnal fuel
And the fumes that follow,
No, none of that is quite important.
You just keep doing you."


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by Pierpaolo Gobbi

Oleanders, heavy with flowers
branching out in the cold mist
to witness an ungodly scene.

All around us the air stood still
not a blow on the mount
as if Zephyrus himself was waiting.

Tragedy in my arms
while I teach my murderer


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