Lies Poems

Popular Lies Poems
A Lie
by gabriella Blake

I never knew someone could lie quite like this
Fake the warmth, the passion, the smile, the words
Words you have now rendered meaningless for all those to whom you opened that big phony mouth.

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by Dre Kalford

Till today I don’t understand Love, I really don’t get it.
Like how does it work?
You meet someone and you just... ”Fall In Love” ?
Sounds like make believe
Oh the Relieve,
To fall and not care,
Moving, not knowing what’s there.
These days people give so little and get so much,
Well I’ve never felt such,
And I hope I’ll never.


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by Rachel Wright

I am not going to say I love you
Not because I don't,
but because I won't

In a matter of


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Truth And Lies
by Arshia Sheikh

When truth wins over the lies ,
It gives meaning to my life,
When trust on me was more and fear has no space,
I am the one who stood for ace .
I fight my battle with confidence and pride,
It is just because , my loved ones are on my side .
Winning and losing is not my attitude,
I am a woman who is full of gratitude.
We need to define our characters by showing our choice,
Almighty will judge our intention so there is no need to make noise.


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So Easy To Hurt Me
by Jeffrey Pipes Guice

How do you find it so easy to hurt me...
When I do everything that you ever ask...
There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you...
Not even the most impossible task...

Is it because you take me for granted...
Have I allowed you to play me the fool...
Is it because you truly disrespect me...
Is that why you treat me so cruel...


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Recent Lies Poems
broken puppets
by Alexander Palmer

Aren't I just a puppet?
Rotting on your stagnant string,
I'll say that it's all love,
Even when you make me bleed.

And aren't I just your puppet?
Snapping my bones to fit your production,
I'll say that I don't mind it,
Through my retching and disgust.


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Let It Go Raw
by Hébert Logerie

Sometimes, it’s okay
To let it go raw
To let it thaw
Above or under the bridge
It is wise or sage
To let it reach the bay
Speak out
Shout out
Let it fall
Let it roll


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What am I to believe
by Ravi Hultin

You miss me,
But won't talk to me

Your signals break me

You love me,
But don't want me

I know you care,
But I don't


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I could tell you
by Author Reinvented

I could tell you that I wanna be a better person,
But honestly I don't care
I could tell you all I'm not a good person,
But I'm sure by now you're all aware

I could tell you where I want to go,
But only after how far I've come,
I could tell you all my future dreams,
But honestly I think that's kinda dumb.


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Truth And Lies
by Arshia Sheikh

When truth wins over the lies ,
It gives meaning to my life,
When trust on me was more and fear has no space,
I am the one who stood for ace .
I fight my battle with confidence and pride,
It is just because , my loved ones are on my side .
Winning and losing is not my attitude,
I am a woman who is full of gratitude.
We need to define our characters by showing our choice,
Almighty will judge our intention so there is no need to make noise.


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