Language Poems

Popular Language Poems
by Abasiama Udom

Raw beauty, I see you
beauty uncouth.
Wild, enflamed,
beauty you are
natural, true and true.

Raw beauty
to you I bow
at your feet


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The Loch Ness Monster's Song
by Edwin Morgan

Hnwhuffl hhnnwfl hnfl hfl?
Gdroblboblhobngbl gbl gl g g g g glbgl.
Drublhaflablhaflubhafgabhaflhafl fl fl -
gm grawwwww grf grawf awfgm graw gm.
Hovoplodok - doplodovok - plovodokot-doplodokosh?
Splgraw fok fok splgrafhatchgabrlgabrl fok splfok!
Zgra kra gka fok!
Grof grawff gahf?
Gombl mbl bl -


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Please Advise Stop [I Was Dragging A Ladder Slowly Over Stones Stop]
by Rusty Morrison

I was dragging a ladder slowly over stones stop
it was only from out of my thoughts that I could climb stop
not from the room please

my father's dying offered an indelicate washing of my
perception stop
the way the centers of some syllables scrub away all other
sound stop
his corpse merely preparing to speak its new name at the
speed of nightfalling please


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Poem (I Do Not Always Understand What You Say)
by James Marcus Schuyler

I do not always understand what you say.
Once, when you said, across, you meant along.
What is, is by its nature, on display.

Words' meanings count, aside from what they weigh:
poetry, like music, is not just song.
I do not always understand what you say.

You would hate, when with me, to meet by day
What at night you met and did not think wrong.


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The Infinity Mirror
by Misha Cayne


Read it as a poem where the mirror is personfied as the artist. So you have to decide for yourself who is she/he/it and what is my relationship to the mirror as an artist personified.
Also as a poem about schizophrenia where the voices are imagined as images or ideas reflected back, and language is also reflected back. Also a stream of consciousness poem.

The Infinity Mirror
Reminiscent of a dream:


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Recent Language Poems
Punctilious Puns
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I was a happy, fluent linguist, fruitfully helping revive endangered languages,
As colorful rainbows walk across the sky, in buttery hours, turned languorous.

I enjoyed doing practical fieldwork, and establishing useful literary programs,
As the honeysuckle sun loves to found days, in silver and gold time, so grand.

Verbal interactions were very rewarding, like a dawn purple martin serenade,
As the orange sun rolls across the sky, to highlight roses and plans we made.

Fluent friends and I fascinated tangerine summer, when flourishing is in favor,


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The Infinity Mirror
by Misha Cayne


Read it as a poem where the mirror is personfied as the artist. So you have to decide for yourself who is she/he/it and what is my relationship to the mirror as an artist personified.
Also as a poem about schizophrenia where the voices are imagined as images or ideas reflected back, and language is also reflected back. Also a stream of consciousness poem.

The Infinity Mirror
Reminiscent of a dream:


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A Brit in the USA
by Dr. Robert Ippaso

You know you're in trouble
When folks burst your bubble
That your fine English accent
Most others lament.

Their eyes grow far larger
Their countenance harder
As they gaze with intent
To listen hell bent.


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Sign Language
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

I was pretty talkative, and spent all of my days chit chattering,
Like galaxies of glinting stars, all the dark universe scattering.

I was always on the move, and loved cacophonic sights and sounds,
Like the deep thrill of excitement, when the carnival is in town!

People loved my easy laughter, and they said I was a lot of fun,
Like the fun of a storm's passing, when greeting the citrine sun!

I did not like the silence, for the silence would make me blue;


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Symbiotic language
by Robert Rittel

Will you convey my message of love to the bright moon
or is that feeling of straight and true to soon
The time of your smiling eye affection,
recreating the story of my souls desires in attention
Touches in synchronicity of rhymes, harmonies and eloquence,
the sacred will to unfold all concealed virtues as consequence.
O beautiful night play with your twinkled enchantment so dear,
knowing that you can see yourself through my eyes and you are not near.
Celestial ocean, extended all dark matter and palace floor,
home of all embraced spirits and intuitive white silver door.


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