June Poems

Popular June Poems
The Sun Has Long Been Set
by William Wordsworth

The sun has long been set,
The stars are out by twos and threes,
The little birds are piping yet
Among the bushes and the trees;
There's a cuckoo, and one or two thrushes,
And a far-off wind that rushes,
And a sound of water that gushes,
And the cuckoo's sovereign cry
Fills all the hollow of the sky.
Who would go 'parading'


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A Winter Night
by Sara Teasdale

My window-pane is starred with frost,
The world is bitter cold to-night,
The moon is cruel, and the wind
Is like a two-edged sword to smite.

God pity all the homeless ones,
The beggars pacing to and fro.
God pity all the poor to-night
Who walk the lamp-lit streets of snow.


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Summer Night, Riverside
by Sara Teasdale

In the wild soft summer darkness
How many and many a night we two together
Sat in the park and watched the Hudson
Wearing her lights like golden spangles
Glinting on black satin.
The rail along the curving pathway
Was low in a happy place to let us cross,
And down the hill a tree that dripped with bloom
Sheltered us,
While your kisses and the flowers,


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To The Nightingale
by Anne Kingsmill Finch

Exert thy Voice, sweet Harbinger of Spring!
This Moment is thy Time to sing,
This Moment I attend to Praise,
And set my Numbers to thy Layes.
Free as thine shall be my Song;
As thy Musick, short, or long.

Poets, wild as thee, were born,
Pleasing best when unconfin'd,
When to Please is least design'd,


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The Spring
by Thomas Carew

Now that the winter's gone, the earth hath lost
Her snow-white robes, and now no more the frost
Candies the grass, or casts an icy cream
Upon the silver lake or crystal stream;
But the warm sun thaws the benumbed earth,
And makes it tender; gives a sacred birth
To the dead swallow; wakes in hollow tree
The drowsy cuckoo and the humble-bee.
Now do a choir of chirping minstrels bring
In triumph to the world the youthful spring.


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Recent June Poems
June Moon is Back
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Tanagers in green trees, swinging,
Scarlet night of pearl moon, singing,
A day's come of age, romance peak,
Kitty roams the wall, dark mystique,
Blooms lustrous, radiance clinging!

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A Jasmine June
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

It was jazzy June and green butterflies, filled the air with magic.
Then butterscotch days were long, until the purple sunset panic.

Sunny June, when music festivals, were staged in shady parks;
While in treetops purple martins, warbled their musical remarks.

Late springtime everywhere, and sandy beaches were crowded;
And it seemed such a long spell, since skies had been clouded!

In the dreamy season of youth, blossoms preened everywhere,


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Yellow Quarter Moon
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

glowing fragrant June
so lustrous on black waters
rare are golden nights

most green croaking frogs
slow fireflies at hide and seek
treetop lullabies

sweet summer midnight
in dreams I feel moon's caress


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When Morning Comes, My Love
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Pink skies will turn shimmery blue,
And reveal where the redbird flew,
As sunbeams sparkle on silvery dew,
At the golden rosy dawn, fully new!

Exotic birds will all sing in tune,
As butterflies seek the blooms of June,
And we'll make plans for the afternoon,
On the other side of alabaster moon!

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A Winter Night
by Sara Teasdale

My window-pane is starred with frost,
The world is bitter cold to-night,
The moon is cruel, and the wind
Is like a two-edged sword to smite.

God pity all the homeless ones,
The beggars pacing to and fro.
God pity all the poor to-night
Who walk the lamp-lit streets of snow.


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Popular Poetry Topics
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