Iron maiden Poems

Popular Iron maiden Poems
by Matthew Conrad

the future seekers -
worth the girth and birth of the 20th century:
king crimson - in the court of the crimson king,
the moody blues - nights in white satin,
omega - gyöngyhajú lány,

at least the past is a certainty -
the future: a rampant imagining -
there's no horror to wake up from -
only a something worth the regret


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Recent Iron maiden Poems
by Matthew Conrad

the future seekers -
worth the girth and birth of the 20th century:
king crimson - in the court of the crimson king,
the moody blues - nights in white satin,
omega - gyöngyhajú lány,

at least the past is a certainty -
the future: a rampant imagining -
there's no horror to wake up from -
only a something worth the regret


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