Introspection Poems

Popular Introspection Poems
Towards the Core of Silence
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Away from pesky leeches and from
Broken, sad walls,
I strive towards the centre.

Voices are hidden from fallen, spavined horses,
And echoes draped in robes of
Mutiny fly past.

The centre retains the pith of silence.
Heart-murmurs celebrate the only known


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by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

The cruel laughter of the soul
Laments its flagellation by time,
Ebbed on the flattened stones of
A raped river.
Sorrow, an amanuensis of silence,
Reads the minutes of the last meeting
Held within dying doors, between
Mind and soul, two warring nations
Of a proud heart,
Now asleep with bloodshot eyes.


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Eyes of the Rain
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

In the face of an early morning drizzle,
On a fireside earth-throne,
I sit and summon thoughts.
The firewood, red with the suppressed anger of
Smouldering fire,
Crackles constantly
Amid the paying of wages of serenity.

Thoughts and fascination cringe
My breath now pulsated by the throbs of wanton


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The Three of Us
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

In the lonely stead, there were just the three of us:
I, me, mine
And one other who matters as little as a cuss
Taped upon pine.

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by Harold Monro

THAT house across the road is full of ghosts.
The windows, all inquisitive, look inward.
All are shut.
I've never seen a body in the house.
Have you? Have you?
Yet feet go sounding in the corridors,
And up and down, and up and down the stairs,
All day, all night, all day.

When will the show begin?


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Recent Introspection Poems
Towards the Core of Silence
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Away from pesky leeches and from
Broken, sad walls,
I strive towards the centre.

Voices are hidden from fallen, spavined horses,
And echoes draped in robes of
Mutiny fly past.

The centre retains the pith of silence.
Heart-murmurs celebrate the only known


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Eyes of the Rain
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

In the face of an early morning drizzle,
On a fireside earth-throne,
I sit and summon thoughts.
The firewood, red with the suppressed anger of
Smouldering fire,
Crackles constantly
Amid the paying of wages of serenity.

Thoughts and fascination cringe
My breath now pulsated by the throbs of wanton


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The Three of Us
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

In the lonely stead, there were just the three of us:
I, me, mine
And one other who matters as little as a cuss
Taped upon pine.

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The stare of the flat pupil
by Kamilla Letrai

Circularity is an overstatement.
Patterned like a Fibonacci spiral,
at the point of intersection, I warm up. Yet
the sunlight. Effortlessly. Passes through my chest.

Looking for a sign of understanding in your eyes...
The view is the empty sky. Ignoring one’s deepest prayers.

I am no stranger to beautiful, but empty sights
Dilated pupils. See them deepen, not ashore.


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Plight of the Poet
by Christopher Kolmen

Is brevity not the soul of wit
So why then dilute the words which we spit
Is it perchance some performative urge
Some selfish ambition to a little longer be heard
What cause do we have to slight our creations
If not entitlement to our meaningless station
Am I not but a jester who wears a tin crown
Yet speaks of it as gold with the hope that my mouth is not bound

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  • Omar Abanouas
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  • Sumi Iyengar
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    December 15th, Mumbai
  • Max Godstone
    Max Godstone (1 poem about Introspection)
    August 23, 1996 - England
  • eloise drake
    eloise drake (1 poem about Introspection)
  • J K
    J K (1 poem about Introspection)
    March 26, 1995 - New Jersey
  • Miki Vermeulen
    Miki Vermeulen (1 poems about Introspection)
    April 12, 2004 - Washington State
  • Chris Flores
    Chris Flores (1 poem about Introspection)
    Possessor of an age