I empty my pockets and remove my shoes
Becoming weightless in a saturated world.
Floating skyward with no control,
Looking down on the little people
Driving their little cars
Living their little lives.
Everlasting, the little Earth carries on.
Amidst a clear, warm night
I find myself falling into an ocean
Floating and bearing witness to the relationship
Between the Earth and the Moon.
A rivalry, moreover, a friendship, as old as time:
The moon teasing her older sister
Tugging and poking the Earth’s overflowing bodies of water
And the Earth, pulling back, not allowing the Moon to disturb her slumber.
Breathe the fresh air
Let down your hair
Put your mind at ease
Hear the sound of breeze
Scream until everything’s fine
But don’t let your confidence decline
Let go of what brings you down
Open your eyes to a new dawn
All I wanted was to sing,
Yet singing seemed to run away from me.
But I kept on chasing it,
With every crack, I grew stronger, not ashamed.
I kept pursuing my dream,
And new opportunities always arose.
I was so young,
A young Cameroonian,
Born into humble beginnings.
People are going to hurt you
They will make you cry too
They will talk shit about you
And will judge you too
That’s what we call life
From which you have to get through
You have to bear the pain
But be sure that your eyes don’t turn blue
Don’t care what people say
You can’t make everyone happy anyways
All I wanted was to sing,
Yet singing seemed to run away from me.
But I kept on chasing it,
With every crack, I grew stronger, not ashamed.
I kept pursuing my dream,
And new opportunities always arose.
I was so young,
A young Cameroonian,
Born into humble beginnings.
I empty my pockets and remove my shoes
Becoming weightless in a saturated world.
Floating skyward with no control,
Looking down on the little people
Driving their little cars
Living their little lives.
Everlasting, the little Earth carries on.
Amidst a clear, warm night
I find myself falling into an ocean
Floating and bearing witness to the relationship
Between the Earth and the Moon.
A rivalry, moreover, a friendship, as old as time:
The moon teasing her older sister
Tugging and poking the Earth’s overflowing bodies of water
And the Earth, pulling back, not allowing the Moon to disturb her slumber.
People are going to hurt you
They will make you cry too
They will talk shit about you
And will judge you too
That’s what we call life
From which you have to get through
You have to bear the pain
But be sure that your eyes don’t turn blue
Don’t care what people say
You can’t make everyone happy anyways
Breathe the fresh air
Let down your hair
Put your mind at ease
Hear the sound of breeze
Scream until everything’s fine
But don’t let your confidence decline
Let go of what brings you down
Open your eyes to a new dawn