Identity Poems

Popular Identity Poems
In A London Drawingroom
by George Eliot

The sky is cloudy, yellowed by the smoke.
For view there are the houses opposite
Cutting the sky with one long line of wall
Like solid fog: far as the eye can stretch
Monotony of surface & of form
Without a break to hang a guess upon.
No bird can make a shadow as it flies,
For all is shadow, as in ways o'erhung
By thickest canvass, where the golden rays
Are clothed in hemp. No figure lingering


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by Vincent Topp

Living a couple’s duality but both yous keep on their masks
The inner you and the outer boaster
The outer shouter and the inner thinker
Two faces, of sanity and its inversion
The inner bruises and the outer glows
They’ll never see the tears filling up the inner reservoirs
id human
Hiding in plain sight
Suffering from daymares
You only talk to the mask


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So Who Is Christen Kuikoua
by Christen Kuikoua

In the quiet quest of self, a name unfolds,
Christen Kuikoua, a story yet to be told.
Not just a random soul or a fleeting dream,
But a being with purpose, a soul in the stream.

Through days and nights, in life's winding thread,
In the valley's shadow, where mysteries are bred.
Asking, "Who am I, and how did I come to be?"
A pondering heart, longing for clarity.


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Words Reflected In A Broken Mirror
by Chloe Foster

I looked into the mirror,
And what I saw looking back,
Was the breaking of a girl,
Her face began to crack.

Her eyes drenched with sorrow,
Her hair a tangled mess,
Her body anxiously shaking,
Wearing a ripped dress.


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September On Jessore Road
by Allen Ginsberg

Millions of babies watching the skies
Bellies swollen, with big round eyes
On Jessore Road--long bamboo huts
Noplace to shit but sand channel ruts

Millions of fathers in rain
Millions of mothers in pain
Millions of brothers in woe
Millions of sisters nowhere to go


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Recent Identity Poems
by Vincent Topp

Living a couple’s duality but both yous keep on their masks
The inner you and the outer boaster
The outer shouter and the inner thinker
Two faces, of sanity and its inversion
The inner bruises and the outer glows
They’ll never see the tears filling up the inner reservoirs
id human
Hiding in plain sight
Suffering from daymares
You only talk to the mask


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i am a weight
by imi dia

i feel like a weight
in fact
i am a weight
a weight that drags me down
into the further pits of the earth


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my decay
by imi dia

my soul empty
like my casket
awaiting my presence
for my body to lay
for the space to fill
for my heart to sway

the countdown continues
carries on in dismay


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second love
by Miki Vermeulen

It’s not even about missing you.
It’s about having to remember
how fast and sudden you switched up,
and how horrible it made me feel.

One day you flipped,
you were sad and miserable,
you didn’t even want to be around me.
I don’t know what I did because you never told me.
You left me so confused and alone


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alone and happy
by Miki Vermeulen

I cannot be alone,
And I cannot be bored.
Does that mean I like people's company?
Or am I just good at faking a smile,
And getting things done?

People say I have the best smile,
But is it real?
Am I really happy?
Or do I just lie to everyone?


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Popular Poets about Identity From Members
  • imi dia
    imi dia (2 poems about Identity)
  • Miki Vermeulen
    Miki Vermeulen (2 poems about Identity)
    April 12, 2004 - Washington State
  • Rob Luther
    Rob Luther (1 poem about Identity)
    June 25, 1986 - Philadelphia
  • Chloe Foster
    Chloe Foster (1 poems about Identity)
  • J K
    J K (1 poem about Identity)
    March 26, 1995 - New Jersey
  • Bryn Casey
    Bryn Casey (1 poem about Identity)
    1998 - California
  • Thomas Renolds
    Thomas Renolds (1 poems about Identity)
    February 27, 2000 - Milwaukee
  • Leo/Ella Reznikova
    Leo/Ella Reznikova (1 poems about Identity)
    September 22, 2005 - Berlin
  • Ayush Saraf
    Ayush Saraf (1 poems about Identity)
    June 23, 2003 - Kolkata
  • Lyon Erkst
    Lyon Erkst (1 poem about Identity)