A fountain of pheromones, a bath in bleach,
Amorous anesthesia puts me to sleep.
Amoxicillin sex disinfects, leaving nothing unclean.
Cold, white, and sterile, like a hospital wall.
Find myself embracing paracetamol,
A creosote touch, but it's much more than just the usual call.
It leaves me wondering,
"What happens when poison expires?"
It was my moral duty to operate and in many people's eyes, I was admired.
I did what needed to be done and because of that, I was fired.
Four years ago, a baby was born with Down Syndrome and he had a heart defect.
Because of his mental impairment, he was a baby who his parents chose to reject.
I told the parents that without an operation, their baby would die.
They told me not to operate and sadly, I understood the reason why.
They wanted him to die because of his Down Syndrome and some others and I protested.
The parents were taken to court but the judge agreed with what the parents requested.
Even though that damn judge upheld the parents decision, I operated anyway.
I saved that baby's life but my superiors were outraged and decided to make me pay.
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In marble halls where hope and dread are knit,
A sanctuary stands, where life's fierce war is fought;
A citadel of balm, with potions lit,
Where pain and panacea in a dance are caught.
The odor of chloride, a bitter bloom,
Hangs in the air, a somber litany;
Chambers resound with the sick's funereal gloom,
Yet in this keep, champions battle silently.
I want to escape
But there is no where I want to be.
Chicken unlike chicken
Please no more for me.
Soft without being comfortable
No hard edges, but
I’m spiked.
Bland colours to dull the senses
Yet emotions take flight.
In marble halls where hope and dread are knit,
A sanctuary stands, where life's fierce war is fought;
A citadel of balm, with potions lit,
Where pain and panacea in a dance are caught.
The odor of chloride, a bitter bloom,
Hangs in the air, a somber litany;
Chambers resound with the sick's funereal gloom,
Yet in this keep, champions battle silently.
A fountain of pheromones, a bath in bleach,
Amorous anesthesia puts me to sleep.
Amoxicillin sex disinfects, leaving nothing unclean.
Cold, white, and sterile, like a hospital wall.
Find myself embracing paracetamol,
A creosote touch, but it's much more than just the usual call.
It leaves me wondering,
"What happens when poison expires?"
Continue reading
I want to escape
But there is no where I want to be.
Chicken unlike chicken
Please no more for me.
Soft without being comfortable
No hard edges, but
I’m spiked.
Bland colours to dull the senses
Yet emotions take flight.
I visited my girlfriend in the hospital
after her appendicitis operation.
she looked good
and her smile made me smile
"I made a friend," she told me.
There had been another girl in the room with her
and this girl,
she was in the hospital because she sprayed a whole