Hills Poems

Popular Hills Poems
The Sunrise Hills
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

all is intensely golden
from here to the horizon
sky and earth have become one
bluebirds everywhere

undulating hills await
the lush greenness of the day
in the rich dawn summershine
floating butterflies

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My Promised Meridian
by Rosa Jamali

My promised Meridian
A poem by Rosa Jamali
Translated from original Persian into English by the Author

Could you possibly find the name of the City;
The sign marks the beginning of this street
The last sign would be a sculpture on the hills forming my face
Take the letter 'Y' as its name
A thousand miles above the Sea Level
It's archived on the life line of my Palms


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Recent Hills Poems
My Promised Meridian
by Rosa Jamali

My promised Meridian
A poem by Rosa Jamali
Translated from original Persian into English by the Author

Could you possibly find the name of the City;
The sign marks the beginning of this street
The last sign would be a sculpture on the hills forming my face
Take the letter 'Y' as its name
A thousand miles above the Sea Level
It's archived on the life line of my Palms


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The Sunrise Hills
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

all is intensely golden
from here to the horizon
sky and earth have become one
bluebirds everywhere

undulating hills await
the lush greenness of the day
in the rich dawn summershine
floating butterflies

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Popular Poetry Topics
Popular Poets about Hills From Members
  • Rosa Jamali
    Rosa Jamali (1 poems about Hills)
    November 19, 1977-Tabriz