Grief Poems

Popular Grief Poems
by George Gordon Byron




The Serfs are glad through Lara's wide domain,
And slavery half forgets her feudal chain;
He, their unhoped, but unforgotten lord —
The long self-exiled chieftain is restored:


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by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

I TELL you, hopeless grief is passionless;
That only men incredulous of despair,
Half-taught in anguish, through the midnight air
Beat upward to God's throne in loud access
Of shrieking and reproach. Full desertness,
In souls as countries, lieth silent-bare
Under the blanching, vertical eye-glare
Of the absolute Heavens. Deep-hearted man, express
Grief for thy Dead in silence like to death--
Most like a monumental statue set


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by Louise Gluck

No one's despair is like my despair--

You have no place in this garden
thinking such things, producing
the tiresome outward signs; the man
pointedly weeding an entire forest,
the woman limping, refusing to change clothes
or wash her hair.

Do you suppose I care


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by Henry Van Dyke



Daughter of Psyche, pledge of that last night
When, pierced with pain and bitter-sweet delight,
She knew her Love and saw her Lord depart,
Then breathed her wonder and her woe forlorn
Into a single cry, and thou wast born?
Thou flower of rapture and thou fruit of grief;


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Duino Elegies: The First Elegy
by Rainer Maria Rilke

Who, if I cried out, would hear me among the angels'
hierarchies? and even if one of them suddenly
pressed me against his heart, I would perish
in the embrace of his stronger existence.
For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror
which we are barely able to endure and are awed
because it serenely disdains to annihilate us.
Each single angel is terrifying.
And so I force myself, swallow and hold back
the surging call of my dark sobbing.


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Recent Grief Poems
A milky-eyed mourning dove
by Amy Michelle Mosier

A milky-eyed mourning dove
Sat upon a tombstone - tacit -
Inside the grounds of St. Francis
To admire a cache betroved.

A sentinel's duty - it bears -
Not broken by a morning beam -
Even the shuffle of the wind
Could not disturb the atmosphere.


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by Nora Doogan

The day of your funeral,
a strangeness clung to us all,
like woodsmoke in our hair
or a whiff of other people’s fabric conditioner.

That evening, putting clean clothes in a drawer,
I saw a loose cotton thread
and I did not recognise it for the everyday thing it was
but recoiled, horrified.


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grief is a woman
by Schafer Bailey

I know a woman named Grief
she's haunting, beautiful in a tortured way
we have a strange agreement
she visits me in my lonesome
and in return I give her my energy
This agreement works for the most part
but Grief can be selfish
without thought of how she affects me
and so sometimes when she is neglected
she will permeate in my day to day


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Things Fall Apart
by Gary Wolf

fall apart, they
edge away from themselves
fleeing the free glue of partnership.
The center cannot hold
old attachments
grown thin with
time, pain, chaos, death.
George Floyd, Washington,
Israel, Gaza, Ukraine


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by Falling Awake

In just one split of an instant
Life force entirely withdrew
With your vitality vanished
I find myself severed in two

As heavens expand between us
I fear I’ll recall less each day…
So, I think back through the senses
To keep time’s forgetting away


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  • Charlotte Brontë
    Charlotte Brontë (7 poems about Grief)
    21 April 1816 – 31 March 1855 / Yorkshire, England
  •  Owen Suffolk
    Owen Suffolk (6 poems about Grief)
    Born: 1829 / Australia
  • Thomas Campbell
    Thomas Campbell (6 poems about Grief)
    1777-1844 / Glasgow / Scotland
  • Paul Laurence Dunbar
    Paul Laurence Dunbar (4 poems about Grief)
    1872-1906 / Ohio / United States
  • Anne Killigrew
    Anne Killigrew (4 poems about Grief)
    1660- 16 June 1685 / London
  • Anna Akhmatova
    Anna Akhmatova (4 poems about Grief)
    23 June 1889 – 5 March 1966 / Odessa
  • Hermann Hesse
    Hermann Hesse (3 poems about Grief)
    2 July 1877 – 9 August 1962 / Calw, Württemberg
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