Grave Poems

Popular Grave Poems
Epitaph for a Palestinian Child and other Poems for Gaza
by Michael R. Burch

Epitaph for a Palestinian Child
by Michael R. Burch

I lived as best I could, and then I died.
Be careful where you step: the grave is wide.

"Epitaph for a Palestinian Child" has also been published as "Epitaph for a Child of Gaza" and "Epitaph for a Refugee Child."


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by Nathalie Handal

He might return and if he appears blue I might
allow him on top and if he returns with the sun
I will let summer multiply on my body
and if he returns for the phrases in Gallego
I will make him say them in Arabic

What we like most is what doesn't belong to us
like the field of stars and the Holy Door
like the coins lost on rooftops and the letters in Celtic
like the seascapes the wide rivers wild coastlines


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Rain on a Grave
by Thomas Hardy

Clouds spout upon her
Their waters amain
In ruthless disdain, -
Her who but lately
Had shivered with pain
As at touch of dishonour
If there had lit on her
So coldly, so straightly
Such arrows of rain:


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When Thunder Calls
by Patti Masterman

When thunder calls
It wakes the dead
From out their tomb,
From out their bed.
When thunder calls
It wakes the dead-
And you best hasten on.

When earthquakes roll
The graves release


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William Shakespeare Epitaph
by William Shakespeare

Good frend for Iesvs sake forebeare,
To digg the dvst encloased heare.
Bleste be Middle English the.svg man Middle English that.svg spares thes stones,
And cvrst be he Middle English that.svg moves my bones.

In modern spelling:

Good friend for Jesus sake forbear,
To dig the dust enclosed here.
Blessed be the man that spares these stones,


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Recent Grave Poems
When Thunder Calls
by Patti Masterman

When thunder calls
It wakes the dead
From out their tomb,
From out their bed.
When thunder calls
It wakes the dead-
And you best hasten on.

When earthquakes roll
The graves release


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Epitaph for a Palestinian Child and other Poems for Gaza
by Michael R. Burch

Epitaph for a Palestinian Child
by Michael R. Burch

I lived as best I could, and then I died.
Be careful where you step: the grave is wide.

"Epitaph for a Palestinian Child" has also been published as "Epitaph for a Child of Gaza" and "Epitaph for a Refugee Child."


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by Pijush Biswas

Life is like beautiful flower, manure it until it's petals fall.

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Farewell/Прощання (Ukrainian)
by Halyna Myroslava

чорним обрусом застелено клаптик землі

квіти на ньому


і вінки геть по пояс

сили стояти немає


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by Nastasimir Franović


Izrašće iz mene dub
Primiće se iz očnjega vida
I krenuti krošnjom put naviše
Nadvisiće humku i napraviti hlad
Sunčevih zraka snop kroz oblak i krošnju propašće nadamnom
I prosuti se po vlažnoj mahovini
Biću tu a neće me biti
U sjećanju ponekad pomenuće da sam bio nekad


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  • Nathalie Handal
    Nathalie Handal (1 poems about Grave)
    1969 / French / Palestinian / American
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