Free verse Poems

Popular Free verse Poems
by Marilyn Chin

Why cry over dried flowers?
They're meant to be straw.
Why cry over miniature roses?
They're meant to be small.

Why cry over Buddha's hand citron?
Why cry over the hidden flower?
Why cry over Mother's burnt forehead?
Her votive deathglow, her finest hour.

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town of forgotten poets
by Bogdan Dragos

there he was
arriving on main street
carrying a backpack
and a suitcase

both stuffed with



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Beautiful Chaos
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Cruising along on a rolling highway,
Petals blowing in a passing breeze,
Bejeweled distant blue skies above,
And a ruby redbird crowd goes past.
The sun is in jade, luxuriant grasses,
And the hills are among ivory clouds,
Colored leaves make pretty scenery,
And russet apples fall from the trees.
Autumn breeze in my hair disheveled,
So common where wind has reveled,


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Aged Like Wine
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Years go by like a purple blur of time,
As when the ripest grapes are turned,
Into the most luscious and aged wine!
Then memory itself often comes calling,
In sweltering sunshine and in the rain,
Like roaming bluebirds' memories of home,
Or the sweet memories of the honeybee!
Seasons come and go so colorfully vivid,
Obeying a golden rule of sunshine cycles.
Hectic time goes by quickly like rainbows,


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A Quiet Spell
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Blue mockingbird is not singing now,
Within the emerald green shrubbery,
Near blooms deep orange red and gold,
Under the sapphire of daytime skies!
The lazy clouds are puffy and white;
And there's such stillness and peace.
It appears to encompass all the world,
In its sunshine golden yellow splendor,
That highlights all the wild colors!
Blue mockingbird is mysteriously mute,


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Recent Free verse Poems
Rising In Love 2
by Falling Awake

Waves seep over sand,
The Sun crests,
We’re hand in hand.

Daybreak’s unfolding,
To a shared beholding,
Our minds are molding…
I can feel us growing–together.

We converge concurrently,


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Rising In Love
by Falling Awake

Waves seep over sand,
The Sun crests,
We’re hand in hand.

Daybreak’s unfolding,
To a shared beholding,
Our minds are molding…
I can feel us growing–together.

We converge concurrently,


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PTSD v.2
by Falling Awake

Four years elapsed,
Since the world collapsed,
And I still can’t delete it,
Delete it from my head.

The concrete impaction,
One solitary action,
From able to chained,
Chained to his deathbed.


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"Whispers of the Wild"

In the heart of the untouched woods, where silence weaves its tale,
Nature, a canvas painted with hues untamed, a symphony unheard.

The trees, ancient storytellers, their limbs reaching for the sky,
A dance with the wind, an ode to time, where leaves whisper secrets.

Beneath the emerald canopy, the earth breathes, a rhythm unseen,
Moss-covered rocks cradle tales of the ages, and ferns unfold like delicate dreams.

The babbling brook, a liquid lullaby, eternally weaving through the landscape,


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Prose Poems
by Michael R. Burch

PROSE POEMS by Michael R. Burch

These are prose poems, experimental verse and free verse by Michael R. Burch. The first prose poem, “Something,” was the first poem I wrote that didn’t rhyme, around age 17–18.

―for the children of the Holocaust and the Nakba
by Michael R. Burch

Something inescapable is lost—lost like a pale vapor curling up into shafts of moonlight, vanishing in a gust of wind toward an expanse of stars immeasurable and void.


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    Falling Awake (3 poems about Free verse)
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  • Marcus Malkowicz
    Marcus Malkowicz (2 poems about Free verse)
    April 22, 2003 - New Jersey
  • Sam Cain
    Sam Cain (1 poems about Free verse)
  • anon d
    anon d (1 poems about Free verse)
  • Tuesday .
    Tuesday . (1 poems about Free verse)
    February 11, 2006- Massachussetts
  • Eliza Connolly
    Eliza Connolly (1 poem about Free verse)
    I teach English and history to high school kids and enjoy writing.
  • Ashleigh Owsley
    Ashleigh Owsley (1 poem about Free verse)
    April 16th, 2003 - West Virginia