Stella Williams was eight years old, living with her widowed mother-
Happily, though a bit lonely, like powder blue skies, sans sunset color.
The Williams lived in a rural area, with no child Stella's age, nearby.
A farmer in the valley, was the only neighbor, like waves of no reply.
Still, school hours were fun for Stella, like rollicking days of summer;
When plum sun, waltzed with stars of glitter, often going undercover.
Stella, at times, threw coins in their well, to wish for a special friend,
Sunflower Meadows was a place of mystical beauty, green and abloom.
That's where seven-year-old Ava lived, like laughter and spicy perfume.
Ava lived with her parents and three siblings, like stars dance together;
And she loved golden, nursery rhymes, like sunshine, carnival pleasure.
Their farm was small but busy, and all of the family had sundry chores.
Ava collected eggs and fed poultry, eating and picking berries, outdoors.
Faint flurries of wind cooled afternoon, and family came, in floppy hats;
I was a solemn person by nature, so my demeanor was always dignified,
Like the somber moon of nighttide, that sees vaguest dreams magnified.
Oh, I enjoyed having a good time, only I showed it in different ways,
As when a blizzard pummels the mountains, and the bold severity stays.
People were constantly inquiring of me, where was my sense of humor?
As folks give dark clouds the look, for gaiety's gone and it's cooler.
When people told me their jokes, I could hardly do anything but stare,
Johnny MacAlister was six-years-old, young enough still for wishes,
Baby sister, Rosie, was all of three, all giggling and adorable kisses.
With fond, indulgent parents, the family was content in their home,
In a town, sleepy in sunlit day, where a scarlet cock used his comb.
Johnny played with Rosie every day. He loved to get her laughing;
As if a gaudy parade of jesters and clowns, chanced to be passing!
Forget-me-not days brought fast friends, in fruitful times of flowers,
I was rehearsing for an upcoming play, but it wasn't going well,
For I somehow lacked inspiration, and my delivery did not excel.
If only I could read more feelingly, I uttered with a sad sigh,
I would not fade away in the shadows, watching fame pass me by!
After many more attempts, I finally surrendered to my fatigue,
Completely dissatisfied and wishing, my success were guaranteed.
As I stood at my bedroom window, looking up at the pale stars,
Sunflower Meadows was a place of mystical beauty, green and abloom.
That's where seven-year-old Ava lived, like laughter and spicy perfume.
Ava lived with her parents and three siblings, like stars dance together;
And she loved golden, nursery rhymes, like sunshine, carnival pleasure.
Their farm was small but busy, and all of the family had sundry chores.
Ava collected eggs and fed poultry, eating and picking berries, outdoors.
Faint flurries of wind cooled afternoon, and family came, in floppy hats;
Stella Williams was eight years old, living with her widowed mother-
Happily, though a bit lonely, like powder blue skies, sans sunset color.
The Williams lived in a rural area, with no child Stella's age, nearby.
A farmer in the valley, was the only neighbor, like waves of no reply.
Still, school hours were fun for Stella, like rollicking days of summer;
When plum sun, waltzed with stars of glitter, often going undercover.
Stella, at times, threw coins in their well, to wish for a special friend,
Mary Lou Sims was young and enterprising, like stars routing dark;
Or mauve dawn on the verge of discovery, awaiting time's remarks.
Mary Lou's best friend was Cora Mann, ever since sweet childhood;
When they'd sat in zesty school together, in the town of 'Wildwood.'
They dreamed of opening an antique shop, like an old rose garden;
Awash in butterscotch sun's long memory, scents roaming, wanton.
Other friends visited Mary Lou frequently, like frilly clouds visit sun;
Arthur Nelson was a curious, studious fellow, like pearly moon glowing,
Ten years old and spectacled, for all is adventure, when you're growing.
Arthur lived in a one story home, with his brothers and their parents;
And also their huge, green turtle, a pet that everyone called, Clarence.
Arthur liked watching ants work avidly, like honeybees' sweet industry;
Or the frogs' lilypad, evening chorus, near the rainbow eucalyptus tree.
Fat, fluffy clouds free floated afar, when friends called upon fiery noon;
Samuel Woodruff was a very old man, who once drummed for the army;
That marched to his rhythmic music, along with all fifers, playing hearty.
That was a lifetime ago, in dawn days so pink, golden, and richly green;
Like petal strewn time moving backward, to the premiere, pivotal scene.
Samuel never stopped playing drums, like mulberry heartbeats of sunset,
And played them after his daily walks; like the love you will never forget.
His fast friend, Comet, followed him, through fields of fascination flowers;