Fame Poems

Popular Fame Poems
whatever this was supposed to be, it probably is
by Matthew Conrad

poetry is: what is poetry?
once perusing through
19th century poems...
the claustrophobia of rhymes -
measures - how unlike the gay science
of spontaneity - collages -
i could never write you a sonnet -
there's no: 'shall i compare you to
a summer's day'?
i can't do that...


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Waltz Among the Flowers
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

whirling rose petals
as they move to dream music
sunflower acclaim

dips in dahlias
orange yellow cream and red
spins past snapdragons

four o'clock fragrance
and flourishes near fuchsias


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Prologue, Spoken By Mr. Woods At Edinburgh
by Robert Burns

WHEN, by a generous Public's kind acclaim,
That dearest meed is granted—honest fame;
Waen here your favour is the actor's lot,
Nor even the man in private life forgot;
What breast so dead to heavenly Virtue's glow,
But heaves impassion'd with the grateful throe?
Poor is the task to please a barb'rous throng,
It needs no Siddons' powers in Southern's song;
But here an ancient nation, fam'd afar,
For genius, learning high, as great in war.


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by Tammy Darby

Are you writing under forced consent?
Or the need to see your thoughts in print?
Does it set your intellectual mind on fire?
Engulfing you in a deep desire.

Does it torture you in your dreams at night?
The shining image of your name in lights
The nightmare of being one or the other
Anonymous or your face on the cover.


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Young Wm.
by Kevin Taylor

The point is, young Wm., you have no ticket

to the pantheon. Earned it? Yes. But in leaving,

left the scrip behind; compared yourself

to erstwhile selves, and having fallen thus,

go now unbidden. Whilst you, young Wm., hailed


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Recent Fame Poems
Waltz Among the Flowers
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

whirling rose petals
as they move to dream music
sunflower acclaim

dips in dahlias
orange yellow cream and red
spins past snapdragons

four o'clock fragrance
and flourishes near fuchsias


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The House of Fame
by Richard Randolph

I waited outside the House of Fame
as there was nothing else to do.
Then, when nearly all hope was loss,
an important woman noticed me there.
She took my hand and said I had promise
before disappearing into a well-lit hall.
Soon afterward, the large doors closed
and it was very dark, and I was cold.
But I could still hear the music playing
and see people on a moonlit balcony.


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Anonymous Me
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

Heavy pressures of fame were getting to me, since I was world famous,
And desperately needed a getaway, as a rainbow sometimes detains us.

I was a successful performer, and ardent press went wherever I went,
Like exotic sunsets, which give not 100, but up to a thousand percent.

I'd always really loved my career, the excitement, the fans and thrills,
Sort of like the sensation you get, when a pale moon gives you chills!

Yet I needed to be completely alone, in a distinctive retreat of my own,


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Star Light
by Evelyn Judy Buehler

It came in the blackness of midnight,
A beam in the darkness, glowing white,
And soared to space, above the crowd,
Where scintillating gleam is allowed!

His torch lit the way for many others,
Pursuing his footsteps through the years,
And altered extremely, so much of fate,
So that for destiny they weren't late.


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Young Wm.
by Kevin Taylor

The point is, young Wm., you have no ticket

to the pantheon. Earned it? Yes. But in leaving,

left the scrip behind; compared yourself

to erstwhile selves, and having fallen thus,

go now unbidden. Whilst you, young Wm., hailed


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