Fall Poems

Popular Fall Poems
Autumn Leaves
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

They fall from grace to grass,
aged, scorched and dehydrated,
fluttering away further
the vanity of previous
greenness and elevated times,
reminding us of the fragility
of life,
the futility of striving to hang on
when time is up.

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The Coronation of Autumn
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Autumn was next witnessed
Through the eyes of a coquettish October,
The somnolent month that spreads fast its
Mat of diffused pleasure.

And should there be a tendril pulse,
Let it hammer the flesh of youth, who
Witnessed through the eye of a dream
The hasty coronation of Autumn —
The crowning of promises belching


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by Julia Shaw

I love the autumn's mirrored hues
Bright red maples and yellows too.
The gold of some, and orange bright
Are wondrous on the mountain heights.

I love the crisp cool autumn days
And mornings filled with soft gray haze.
To take a walk along some trail
I see new colors or'e hill and dell.


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I Love The Autumn
by Randy Johnson

Fall is my second favorite season of the year.
I love the Autumn as much as people love beer.
The leaves will change color and fall from the trees.
When it comes to the Autumn, it is sure to please.
Fall is a season that I really appreciate.
I love the Autumn because it's great.

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by Nastasimir Franović

You wanted to reach the star halos.
With the strength of Hercules,
By the beauty of Apollo.
By the meanness of Brutus,
And where did you get to?
To the anguish of Diogenes, to the disappointment of Odysseus.
You forgot to take off the black sail.
Jupiter's Ira followed you.
They found your Achilles heel.
The fate of Icarus awaits you.


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Recent Fall Poems
Tell me something more –
by Amy Michelle Mosier

Tell me something more –
Something about yourself
I’ve never heard before
Lazily. It’ll help

Pass an afternoon
As hot as this
For August is afoot
And I get restless.


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The Coronation of Autumn
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Autumn was next witnessed
Through the eyes of a coquettish October,
The somnolent month that spreads fast its
Mat of diffused pleasure.

And should there be a tendril pulse,
Let it hammer the flesh of youth, who
Witnessed through the eye of a dream
The hasty coronation of Autumn —
The crowning of promises belching


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by Palak .

I remember falling in love with you in October
I remember how shy you were while purposing me on call , so you choose to do it on text
I remember how you make me feel wanted even though we are miles away
I fall in love with the way you make me smile on call with your silly talks
I fall in love with your curly hairs and can't wait to run my fingers through them
I fall in love with the way you make me feel secured and safe
your eyes are the one in which I can get lost and find myself loving you
I fall for you because you make me feel like you to fall for me

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Autumn Leaves
by Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

They fall from grace to grass,
aged, scorched and dehydrated,
fluttering away further
the vanity of previous
greenness and elevated times,
reminding us of the fragility
of life,
the futility of striving to hang on
when time is up.

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by Nastasimir Franović

You wanted to reach the star halos.
With the strength of Hercules,
By the beauty of Apollo.
By the meanness of Brutus,
And where did you get to?
To the anguish of Diogenes, to the disappointment of Odysseus.
You forgot to take off the black sail.
Jupiter's Ira followed you.
They found your Achilles heel.
The fate of Icarus awaits you.


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Popular Poetry Topics
Popular Poets about Fall From Members
  • Carl Rex
    Carl Rex (1 poems about Fall)
    August 26, 1990 - India
  • Palak .
    Palak . (1 poem about Fall)
    April 3 , 2007- India